TeX & Co

This document describes the collection of TeX, LaTeX, and related programs and packages, as it is available to staff members at the Faculteit der Letteren, on Linux.

Maintainer: Peter Kleiweg


There is a complete distribution of Tex Live available, as well as some packages specific for the Faculteit der Letteren. These are not available by default. To use this you have to activate it, which means, setting the right environment and path.

Put this in your .bashrc file:

    source /net/aps/common/etc/alias.sh
(When you are using the C shell, you can do something similar with alias.csh)

Now, whenever you want to use LaTeX, first run:

For packages that were not included in Tex Live, see: Detailed documentation on Tex Live is available in /opt/netapps/texlive/current/texmf-dist/doc

PostScript and PDF

You want your documents in PostScript, but also in PDF with its menu and hyperlinks? You only need to make a few small changes in your LaTeX document. Read more...

More packages

You can add packages in your home directory. You have to take care where you install the various parts of any package. First thing you have to do is run the following commands:
    texmf-activate   # see above
This will list a number of pathtypes. You run the last command again with one of these pathtypes to see where certain files should be located. For instance, if you install a new BibTeX style, run:
    kpsepath bst
This will give you a list of directories separated by a colon. The following command gives a more readable output:
    kpsepath bst | perl -p -e 's/:/\n/g'
Example output:
One of these directories should start with $HOME/texmf. This one:
Put your file in that directory, or one of its (sub)subdirectories.

After you have installed your new BibTeX style, find out if it can be found. For example, run:

    kpsewhich nifty.bst
Result if things are OK, for example:

27 April 2019