WSJ section 14 (23 cases)

wsj_1405 (line 5, ant ap):
President Bush's national security adviser, Lt. Gen. Brent Scowcroft, came into office in January intent on making the NSC staff leaner and more disciplined than it had been during the Reagan administration.

wsj_1405 (line 40, ant vp):
But just as every previous NSC adviser has, Gen. Scowcroft now will have to mull at what point the NSC staff becomes too lean and too restrained.

wsj_1411 (line 70, ant vped):
The sales job seems to be paying off: When he bought the team, only six of the suites had been sold.
Today, 30 have.

wsj_1411 (line 117, ant np):
While the Cowboys may not be the best investment now, I don't accept they can't be in the future."

wsj_1413 (line 9, ant ap):
That would give the Pentagon flexibility that no other federal agency has. "It's simply a way of making the cuts less onerous for defense than they are for domestic programs," said Chairman James Sasser (D., Tenn.) of the Senate Budget Committee, who said he would oppose the request. "That isn't consistent with the kind of discipline that Gramm-Rudman is supposed to impose," he said.

wsj_1432 (line 15, ant vp):
"The sense is we would never be in a position again where everything works for us the way it did before," says Rod Eddington, Cathay's commercial director.

wsj_1435 (line 6, ant tv):
-- Saturday morning, a resident was given 15 minutes to scurry into a sagging building and reclaim what she could of her life's possessions.

wsj_1435 (line 32, ant tv):
Green allowed residents to re-enter; yellow allowed limited access; red allowed residents one last entry to gather everything they could within 15 minutes.

wsj_1453 (line 58, ant vp):
But when the dollar rises against major foreign currencies, as it did for much of this year, the dollar value of these funds declines.

wsj_1461 (line 15, ant vp):
Comsat Video, which distributes pay-per-view programs to hotel rooms, plans to add Nuggets games to their offerings, as Mr. Turner did successfully with his Atlanta Hawks and Braves sports teams.

wsj_1474 (line 20, ant vpng):
General Electric Co. recently sold off its interests in liquid-crystal displays to Thompson-CSF of France. "We found the market not developing as we thought it would," a GE spokesman says.

wsj_1474 (line 33, ant vp):
But Peter Brody, Magnascreen's president, says Japanese companies are poised to snatch the technology and put it to commercial use, just as they did with earlier U.S. innovations in color television and video recording.

wsj_1480 (line 26, ant vp):
This kind of jumpy uncertainty reminds John Calverley, senior economist for American Express Bank, of the 1969-72 period, when the industrial average rolled through huge ranges and investors flocked to the shares of companies with proven earnings records, which became known as the "nifty 50."
And they will again, say money-manager proponents of the growth-stock theme.

wsj_1480 (line 47, ant tvng):
Big cyclical companies are using "all the tricks they can to stabilize earnings," says Mr. Sloan.

wsj_1490 (line 9, ant vp):
The arbs may recoup some of their paper losses if the UAL deal gets patched up again, as they did in 1982 when Occidental Petroleum Co. rescued them with a $4 billion takeover of Cities Service.

wsj_1490 (line 21, ant vpng):
So anyone buying the stock now is betting on some special transaction such as a recapitalization or takeover, and must do so using some guesswork about the likelihood of such an event.

wsj_1495 (line 24, ant vped):
David Hubel, a Nobel laureate at Harvard, has taken the lead in defending research with animals, as has Dr. Michael DeBakey.

wsj_1499 (line 14, ant vpng):
The Bush White House is breeding non-duck ducks the same way the Nixon White House did: It hops on an issue that is unopposable -- cleaner air, better treatment of the disabled, better child care.

wsj_1416 (line 25, ant vp):
Without this basic level of attention to reality, our policies on Cuba will continue to be as counterproductive as they have for 30 years.

wsj_1422 (line 9, ant vp):
He says that because Seita's profits are limited by government-controlled cigarette prices, he doesn't have the cash to diversify as heavily into food and drink as the U.S. concern has done. (Last year, for example, Seita's net profit soared 150% to 461.6 million French francs ($73.5 million) on sales of FFr27.68 billion-a 1.7% profit margin.)

wsj_1424 (line 43, ant vpng):
What this all means in shorthand is that Soviet dominance in Ethiopia is collapsing as fast as President Barre's regime in Somalia is.

wsj_1428 (line 31, ant vp):
Under that approach, countries with the most unused oil capacity would get bigger shares of any future increases in OPEC's production ceiling than they would under the current system. "If you are already producing at 95% or 100% of your capacity, what's the good to be told you can produce at 105% of capacity?" asked Mr. Al-Chalabi.

wsj_1445 (line 34, ant vp):
"Most of our competitors are announcing products based on our (older) products," said Finis Conner, chief executive officer and founder of the firm that bears his name. "We continue to develop products faster than anyone else can." These new products could account for as much as 35% of the company's business in 1990, Mr. Conner estimated. "We're not afraid of obsoleting some of our old stuff to stay ahead of the competition," he said.