Graduate Fellowships in Linguistics

Discourse and Communication

Discourse processing is one of the central research topics in the "Discourse and Communication" group. We use a variety of methods to investigate how meaning is constructed in monologic or dialogic discourse, including conversation analysis and interactional linguistics (particularly investigations of the linguistic means for organizing social interaction in naturally occurring talk).

We are currently strengthening our research line in psycho- and neurolinguistic experimentation (ERP-registration and fMRI). In the near future, we will also conduct eye-tracking studies to investigate the processing of visually or auditorily presented texts and other communication products, such as magazines or TV spots.

For this sort of work, we especially welcome applicants with a background in psycho- or neurolinguistics, who want to conduct PhD research in the domain of discourse and dialogue processing. Contact: dr. John Hoeks (j.c.j.hoeks at