====== Meetings in 2018/2019 ====== ^ Date and Room ^ Speaker and Topic ^ | **07-09-2018** \\ 1312. 0018 | Discuss research done over the summer | | **14-09-2018** \\ 1312. 0018 | Overview of Masters theses done in last 6 months - Part 1 | | **21-09-2018** \\ 1312. 0018 | Overview of Masters theses done in last 6 months - Part 2 | | **28-09-2018** \\ 1312. 0018 | Andreas van Cranenburgh \\ Vector Space Explorations of Literary Language | | **05-10-2018** \\ 1312. 0018 | Angelo Basile Masters thesis \\ You Write Like You Eat. Restaurant reviews reveal social syntactic variation. | | **12-10-2018** \\ 1312. 0018 | No official schedule - longer research round | | **19-10-2018** \\ 1312. 0018 | Antonio Toral - WMT2018 dry run \\ [[https://arxiv.org/abs/1808.10432|Attaining the Unattainable? Reassessing Claims of Human Parity in Neural Machine Translation]] \\ Gosse Bouma - UD Workshop dry run \\ [[http://universaldependencies.org/udw18/PDFs/5_Paper.pdf|Expletives in Universal Dependency Treebanks]] | | **26-10-2018** \\ 1312. 0018 | No reading group. Also no Digital Humanities Day (canceled!) | | **02-11-2018** \\ 1313. 0346 | Best Master students from Learning from Data course present their approach | | **09-11-2018** \\ 1313. 0346 | Master thesis proposal presentations by staff members (slides on Nestor and [[http://www.let.rug.nl/rikvannoord/ma_proposals/18-19/|here]]) | | **16-11-2018** \\ 1313. 0309 | Ahmet Üstün - [[http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W18-3019|Characters or Morphemes: How to Represent Words?]]| | **23-11-2018** \\ 1313. 0309 | Tommaso Caselli - Degree of Semantic Interoperability for Event Detection | | **30-11-2018** \\ 1313. 0309 | Rik van Noord - Neural DRS Parsing -- what's next? | | **07-12-2018** \\ 1313. 0309 | Visiting researcher Hitomi Yanaka \\ Towards understanding textual entailment and similarity| | **14-12-2018** \\ 1313. 0309 | Visiting researcher Daisuke Bekki \\ Introduction to Dependent type semantics| | **11-01-2019** \\ 1313. 0309 | Master Thesis proposal presentations \\ Roy David \\ Wessel Reijngoud \\ Harmjan Setz \\ Kelly Dekker \\ Margriet Vegter \\ Jeroen Wilkens \\ Martijn Bartelds | | **18-01-2019** \\ 1313. 0338 | Master Thesis proposal presentations \\ Leon Graumans \\ Rianne Bos \\ Mike Zhang \\ Moniek Nieuwenhuis \\ Gerben Timmerman \\ Frida Vermeer \\ Ian Matroos \\ | | **25-01-2019** \\ 1313. 0338 | CLIN try-out talks:\\ Gideon Maillette de Buy Wenniger \\ Gosse Bouma| | **01-02-2019** \\ 1313. 0338 | Post-CLIN meeting | | **08-02-2019** \\ 1313. 0346 | College Carroussel Martijn Wieling | | **15-02-2019** \\ 1313. 0346 | Rob: semi-supervised code-switch detection | | **22-02-2019** \\ 1313. 0346 | Andreas van Cranenburgh \\ Dutch weak and strong pronouns as a stylistic marker of literariness | | **01-03-2019** \\ 1313. 0346 | Longer research round | | **08-03-2019** \\ 1313. 0346 | Visiting PhD-student Lorenzo De Mattei \\ Speak to Humans: towards the automatic generation of targeted engaging texts | | **15-03-2019** \\ 1313. 0346 | Ielka van der Sluis \\ The PAT project: Annotation and Evaluation of Pictures and Text | | **22-03-2019** \\ 1313. 0346 | Malvina, Tommaso and Andreas discuss Bachelor theses | | **29-03-2019** \\ 1313. 0346 | Ahmet Üstün: how to use Google Colab | | **12-04-2019** \\ 1313. 0346 | Prajit Dhar: Do Languages Interact in a Multilingual Setting? | | **19-04-2019** \\ | No Reading Group - Good Friday | | **26-04-2019** \\ 1313. 0346 | Malvina, Rob & Rik discuss work in progress (bias in word embeddings) | | **03-05-2019** \\ 1313. 0346 | Discussion of practical implementation of neural networks | | **10-05-2019** \\ 1313.0346 | Kilian Evang - Transition-based DRS Parsing Using Stack-LSTMs | | **17-05-2019** \\ | No reading group | | **24-05-2019** \\ 1313.0316 | Ana Guerberof - What is the impact of language on Microsoft Word users? | | **31-05-2019** \\ 1313.0346 | Research round (staff-only) | | **07-06-2019** \\ 1313.0346 | Special guest | | **14-06-2019** \\ 1313.0346 | Master thesis proposals by staff | | **21-06-2019** \\ | No reading group - TABU Dag | | **28-06-2019** \\ 1313.0346 | Student presentations (master thesis proposal) |