Classification of Bantu languages from Tanzania and Gabon by using the Levenshtein algorithm

Franz Manni (; National museum of natural history, Paris; Informatiekunde, Rijkuniversiteit Groningen.

I will address the computational-linguistics classification of Bantu languages from the west (Gabon) and the east (Tanzania) of Africa. Obtained classifications will be compared to a consensus tree drawn from the Bayesian posterior distributions computed on cognates sharing method (Groellemund et al. 2015). Both are largely comparable, suggesting that the Levenshtein algorithm is able to depict the historical evolution of Bantu varieties to a level that is unexpected.

Moreover, the Levenshtein classification of Gabon varieties will be compared to the genetic differences of the populations speaking the languages, and to their musical diversity.

From both experiments, I will try to address the fundamental question of the word lists that are here processed and the robustness of derived classifications:

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