How to sponsor...


To maintain the quality of this not-for-profit site, we rely on volunteers. To reward their efforts in some way, we are looking for sponsors.


If you or your company are interested in reaching about 3000 people each day, make us an offer we cannot refuse. We have seen examples on other web-pages of forms of advertisement that could be built in to these pages too. This could be beneficial for both parties! We would have the funds to keep up the quality and you would have exposure to a clearly defined market segment: people interested in American History.

If you are interested, please contact George M. Welling.


If you have no company and still would like to support this project, send your financial contributions to:
bank: ABN-AMRO
Bank Domiciliation: Groningen, The Netherlands
IBAN : NL23ABNA0401718468
key: Project From Revolution to Reconstruction,
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen,
dep. Informatiekunde, Faculteit der Letteren.
PO Box 716, 9700 AS Groningen, The Netherlands

We will only use the money we get from sponsoring and donations to improve the quality of this site.