
In this document the various tools of the Alpino Treebank will be discussed. These tools include:


find dependency structures using XPath queries


display dependency structures


edit dependency structures with Thistle (obsolete)


edit dependency structures with TrEd


apply style sheet to dependency structures

Most of the Alpino Treebank tools support two types of annotated corpora. In the simple case, each dependency structure is represented by a single XML file. In addition, the tools support so-called compact annotated corpora, in which collections of XML files are concatenated and compressed. The following tools are relevant for compact corpora in particular:


construct/extract compact annotated corpora


list file names of dependency structures


search in dependency structures with grep


write the specified dependency structure to standard output

Some tools are not yet documented:


use dtsearch on set of dependency structures returned by an MG query

wrappers and libraries for xquery

tools to apply Xquery to Alpino dependency structures (normal and compact)

DTSearch: find dependency structures using XPath queries

Use dtsearch to search the corpus. dtsearch uses XPath expressions for querying.

A basic example is:

$ dtsearch -v '//node[@cat="pp"]' /path/to/corpus

By using the -v option dtsearch will display the files that match the query using dtview. In this case, the XPath expression matches with any dependency structure which contains a node with category pp.

DTSearch will process directories recursively.

The usage information lists the possible output methods:

usage: dtsearch [options] <[-q] QUERY> <files, directories, ...>

  -qQUERY, -eQUERY, --query=QUERY, --expr=QUERY
                        XPath expression to search for
  -l, --statistics      print stats for values of rel,cat,pos labels in
                        matching nodes
  -r, --root-labels     print stats for values of root label in matching nodes
  -s, --bracketed-sentence
                        show sentences with matching phrases
  -c, --matching-constituents
                        show matching constituents only, not the full sentence.
  -d, -v, --dtview      show matches using dtview.
  --stdin               read file arguments from stdin.  Any non-option
                        arguments on the commandline will be ignored.
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

When no output method is selected dtsearch will print the filename.

Examples of using dtsearch

In order to be able to specify relevant XPath queries, it is neccessary to know a little bit about the way in which dependency structures are encoded in XML. This encoding is rather straightforward. Nodes in the dependency structure are encoded by a recursive XML element node. Nodes contain a variety of attributes. The most important attributes are:


The category of the node (only for non-leaves)


The POS-tag of the node (only for leaves)


The begin position of the node


The end position of the node


The dependency relation


The root form of the node (leaves)


The surface form of the node (leaves)


The index of the node (for secondary edges or reentrancies)

There are more attributes, but these are the most important ones.

The following query lists all dependency structures which contain a subject node which itself contains a node with the root form man. Because of the -s option, all matching sentences are displayed, where the matched part of the sentence is given in square brackets.

$ dtsearch -s '//node[@rel="su" and node[@root="man"]]' g_suite

g_suite/192.xml [de man] zou op zijn te bellen
g_suite/193.xml [de man] zou zijn op te bellen
g_suite/194.xml dat [de man] zou zijn op te bellen
g_suite/195.xml dat [de man] zou op zijn te bellen
g_suite/196.xml dat [de man] op te bellen zou zijn
g_suite/298.xml [de man] is bang dat hij naar huis moet
g_suite/518.xml [de man] werd in de rede gevallen

Further examples are perhaps hard to understand without some knowledge of XPath. There are various tutorials and reference manuals for XPath available on the web. See for example: What is XPath?

List all sentences containing a "krijgen-passive" in the h_suite treebank:

$ dtsearch -s '//node[ node[@rel="hd" and @root="krijg"] and \
    node[@rel="su"]/@index=node[@rel="vc"]/node[@rel="obj2"]/@index ]' h_suite

h_suite/277.xml Ik krijg doorbetaald
h_suite/296.xml hij krijgt een microfoon onder de neus geduwd
h_suite/300.xml De ontslagen medewerkers krijgen tot 1 januari 2004 doorbetaald
h_suite/301.xml De ontslagen medewerkers krijgen hun salaris tot 1 januari 2004 doorbetaald
h_suite/306.xml Hij krijgt betaald voor zijn adviezen
h_suite/307.xml Hij krijgt een fortuin betaald voor zijn adviezen
h_suite/556.xml Je kreeg met de paplepel ingegoten dat je beleefd moest zijn

Sometimes it is convenient to get the matched portion of the sentence and nothing more. This is accomplished with the -c option. For instance, the following finds determiner phrases which contain an adverb as a daughter node.

$ dtsearch -c '//node[@cat="detp" and node[@pos="adv"]]' leuven_yellow_pages
leuven_yellow_pages/244.xml     iets meer dan bij ons
leuven_yellow_pages/275.xml     wat meer
leuven_yellow_pages/276.xml     zoveel meer

Quantitative information can be obtained with the -l option. For instance, this query finds which relations occur as sisters to the tag relation:

$ dtsearch -l '//node[ ../node[ @rel="tag"]]' cdb
     295 tag
     291 nucl
     228 smain
     104 sv1
      56 pp
      40 du
      30 conj
      27 ssub
      12 mwu
      10 np
       4 whq
       1 inf
       1 detp
       1 cp
       1 ap
      28 adv
      20 tag
       8 noun
       8 adj
       3 verb
       3 num
       1 comp

More examples, for the interested reader to try out:

Find topicalized secondary objects with category NP:

$ dtsearch -v '//node[../@cat="smain" and @rel="obj2" and \
                 not(@cat="pp") and @begin = ../@begin]' .

Find occurrences of extraposition of comparatives out of topicicalized constituents:

$ dtsearch -v '//node[@cat="smain" and node[node[@rel="obcomp"]/@end\
                > ../node[@rel="hd"]/@begin]/@begin = @begin]' .

It is also possible to search in the text of the sentence. To do this efficiently, we have developed mg_m_search, that should be used in such cases for very large treebanks. Searching for text can be done as follows:

$ dtsearch -v 'contains(//sentence,"tot zo")' .

This works, because there is atmost one sentence element - the string value of a node set in XPath is defined as the string value of the first element of that node set.

In addition to "contains()" there are various other XPATH functions that are useful in this context, such as "starts-with()" and "matches()". The latter is used for regular expression matching in XPath 2 (currently not supported).

$ dtsearch  '(//comment[. = "time_out" ] or //comment[. ="out_of_memory" ]' .

In this case, the query will also match in case there are multiple comments (these are indeed allowed).

Beware of shell quoting

Make sure you keep the shell (your command interpreter) from interpreting any special characters in the query. Use any of the following schemes:

dtsearch '//node[@cat="pp"]'  ...
dtsearch "//node[@cat='pp']"  ...
dtsearch "//node[@cat=\"pp\"]"  ...

The first two are the most convenient ones to type.

DTView: graphical display of dependency structures

Use dtview to visualize Alpino Dependency structures on your screen.

Screenshot of DTView

Screenshot of DTView

Basic Functionality

DTView can visualize dependency structures and highlight nodes that match an XPath expression. This expression can be specified on the commandline or in the text entry at the top of the window.


Apply the XPath expression for highlighting to the current tree. (This can also be achieved by pressing Enter in the text field)


Toggle the visibility of the file list

Ext’d Attrs

Toggle the visibility of any extended attributes that might be present. In general trees that are not hand-corrected contain extra attributes.

Previous, Next

Go to the previous or next file in the file list.

Smaller, Bigger, Normal

Change the size of the displayed tree.


Run the TrEd tree editor on the current file.


Run the Thistle tree editor on the current file. (Obsolete, use TrEd instead)


Run the Emacs text editor on the current file.

Open Selection

Your current X-selection is supposed to contain a file name. This file name is opened.


Exit the viewer

Keyboard navigation

TableKeyboard shortcuts for DTView
Key(s) Description
Control-q exit
n, Page Down next file
p, Page Up previous file
Up scroll canvas
Down scroll canvas
Left scroll canvas
Right scroll canvas
e toggle Extended Attributes
f toggle Filelist
t invoke TrEd editor
Keypad_Add zoom in
Keypad_Subtract zoom out
Keypad_Multiply revert to original size

DTXslt: Running stylesheets on a corpus

The dtxslt tool can be used in a similar fashion as programs such as xsltproc to apply a stylesheet to dependency structures.

Usage: dtxslt [options] <files, directories, ...>
  -s, --stylesheet=STYLESHEET      The styleheet to use for output.
  -q, --query=QUERY                XPath-expression to be used as query.  The
                                   expression should evaluate to a node set or
                                   a boolean.  With this option the stylesheet
                                   is only applied to documents matching QUERY.
  --param=<name>=<value>           Normal parameter for stylesheet
  --stringparam=<name>=<value>     String-parameter for stylesheet
  --stdin                          Read the arguments from standard input, one
                                   argument per line.  When this option is
                                   used, any files or directories specified on
                                   the command line will be discarded.
  -r, --recursive                  Process the directory tree recursively

Help options:
  -?, --help                       Show this help message
  --usage                          Display brief usage message

An example:

$ dtxslt -r -s stylesheets/print-sentence.xsl Machine/clef

This example applies the print-sentence.xsl stylesheet to every .xml file under Machine/clef. The -r flag ensures dtxslt will recursively walk through the directory structure looking for .xml files and compact corpora.

Look for examples of stylesheets in Alpino/TreebankTools/stylesheets. Another place that shows the use of stylesheets in the Alpino Treebank is the script in the misc-scripts directory.

DTTred: Editing dependency structures with TrEd

The dttred program is a simple script which starts the TrEd tree editor, with the appropriate settings for Alpino dependency structures. The program normally takes one or more arguments: the file names you want to edit.

Alpino-specific functionality can be found under the User-defined→Alpino menu.

DTEdit: Editing dependency structures with Thistle

The dtedit program is a simple script which starts the Thistle editor, with the appropriate settings for Alpino dependency structures. The program normally takes one or more arguments: the file names you want to edit.

Please use the documentation of Thistle in the local installation directory of Thistle on your machine.

DTEdit is now obsolete. Please use dttred instead.

Compact annotated corpora are not supported by dtedit and dttred

If you want to edit a dependency structure from a compact annotated corpus, you must first extract the file (using ACT), use dtedit or dttred, and then pack the file back into the archive (again using ACT).

ACT: Managing Compact Corpora

The Alpino corpora can be stored in what we call "Compact Corpora". They consist of two files per corpus: one file with the compressed data and a seperate file with the filename information. Together they’re in a way similar to .zip files, but their compression ratio (because they typically consist of a lot of small files) is much better. The compression method is based on dictzip (see

All of our tools work transparently on files in a normal directory structure and those in a compact corpus.

Creating compact corpora

The tool to manage compact corpora is called act, which stands for Alpino Corpus Tool. From the act point of view, a corpus is a directory that contains .xml files.

Compressing a single directory

Let’s assume we have the following directory structure:

|-- cdb
|   |-- 0.xml
|   |-- 1.xml
|   |-- 1.xml~
|   |-- 10.xml
|   |-- 100.xml
|   |-- 1000.xml
... ...
|   |-- 997.xml
|   |-- 998.xml
|   |-- 999.xml
|   |-- CVS
|   |   |-- Entries
|   |   |-- Repository
|   |   `-- Root
|   `-- Makefile
`-- compact_corpora

We want to create a compact corpus for cdb in the compact_corpora directory. Here are two ways to do this:

$ cd compact_corpora
$ act --create ../cdb

The same can be accomplished with:

$ act --create --targetdir=compact_corpora cdb

Both methods will put two new files in the compact_corpora subdirectory:

`-- compact_corpora
    `-- cdb.index

Compact corpora will only contain .xml files. In our example above, 1.xml~, the CVS directory structure, and Makefile are all ignored.

Compressing a directory tree recursively

Consider the following directory structure (only directories shown):

|-- cdb
|   `-- CVS
|-- Machine
|   `-- clef
|       |-- AD19940103
|       |-- AD19940104
|       |-- AD19940105
|       |-- AD19940106
|       |-- AD19940107
|       `-- AD19940108
`-- compact_corpora

Assume only cdb and the directories starting with “AD” contain .xml files.

The following will create a compact version of the Machine directory structure under compact_corpora/Machine:

$ act --create --recursive --targetdir=compact_corpora/Machine Machine/

The target-directory will be created if necessary.

The default for \--targetdir is the current directory, so the following yields the same result as the previous example:

$ mkdir -p compact_corpora/Machine
$ cd compact_corpora/Machine
$ act --recursive ../../Machine

To replace the Machine subdirectory with a compact equivalent use the following:

$ cd Machine
$ act --remove --create --recursive .

The \--remove option will cause the source files to be removed after creating the compact corpus.

When using recursion to create compact corpora, the directories specified should not contain any xml files, i.e. they should (only) contain other directories.

Updating compact corpora

Scenario: there’s a compact corpus and there are several files that have updates. Say, a couple of sentences have been reparsed.

Updating will work on a sparse directory structure, i.e. the directory structure only needs to contain the reparsed files. These files will be merged with the existing compact corpus or compact corpora.

act --recursive --update --targetdir clef newly_parsed_clef

Asymmetry of the \--targetdir option

When using \--recursive, the \--targetdir option provides a straight directory to directory mapping. With regular corpus directories (directories that contain xml files) however this is not possible, because when converting to a compact corpus the name of the last directory component has to map to a filename.

Let’s illustrate this with two examples. The cdb directory is a regular corpus directory and (therefore) contains .xml files. The cdb compact corpus will be created/updated below the compact_corpora directory:

act --update cdb --targetdir=compact_corpora

The clef directory does not contain any .xml files, it contains other directories that contain the .xml files. In this case we have a direct mapping from directory to directory:

act --recursive --update clef --targetdir=compact_corpora/clef

Therefore the directory arguments given to act \--recursive should not contain any .xml files, otherwise the compact corpora may end up in places not intended.

Extracting compact corpora

To extract a compact corpus use the \--extract flag. At the moment of writing extracting only works non-recursively.

Extracting creates a new directory with .xml files for every compact corpus specified on the commandline. For example, the following extracts a collection of compact corpora to a specific directory (current directory is the default):

$ act --targetdir /lots/of/space/Machine/clef --extract Machine/clef/*.index

Use \--force to have act overwrite existing directories.

DTList: Listing the contents of a compact corpus

To show the contents of a compact corpus use ‘``dtlist’'. The compact corpus `cdb can be specified as cdb, as cdb.index or as

$ dtlist compact/corpora/cdb.index

Note the complete path in the output and the numerical sorting.

Watch out with wildcards and compact corpora

The following will give two listings! One for, and one for cdb.index:

$ dtlist compact_corpora/cdb*

DTGrep: grep in dependency structures

DTGrep can be used to search in dependency structures with regular expressions. The dtgrep program basically is a stripped down grep program that knows about Compact Corpora. DTGrep uses Perl-compatible regular expressions.

usage: dtgrep [options] arguments

  --help                show this help message and exit
  -ePATTERN, --regexp=PATTERN
                        use PATTERN as a regular expression
  -i, --ignore-case     ignore case distinctions
  -v, --invert-match    select non-matching lines
  -l, --files-with-matches
                        only print FILE names containing matches
  -h, --no-filename     suppress the prefixing filename on output
  --stdin               read file arguments from stdin.  Any non-option
                        arguments on the commandline will be ignored.

DTGet: Write dependency structure to standard output

The dtget tool simply takes a sequence of one or more filenames, and prints the corresponding dependency structures to standard output.