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Evaluation of the NLP Components of the OVIS2 Spoken
Dialogue System

Gert Veldhuijzen van Zanten1
Gosse Bouma2
Khalil Sima'an3
Gertjan van Noord2
Remko Bonnema4

1IPO Eindhoven
2Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
3Universiteit Utrecht
4Universiteit van Amsterdam


The NWO Priority Programme Language and Speech Technology is a 5-year research programme aiming at the development of spoken language information systems. In the Programme, two alternative natural language processing (NLP) modules are developed in parallel: a grammar-based (conventional, rule-based) module and a data-oriented (memory-based, stochastic, DOP) module. In order to compare the NLP modules, a formal evaluation has been carried out three years after the start of the Programme. This paper describes the evaluation procedure and the evaluation results. The grammar-based component performs much better than the data-oriented one in this comparison.
