Toch and alsnog in young speakers' colloquial Dutch

description Jan-Wouter Zwart. 2015. Toch and alsnog in young speakers' colloquial Dutch
In Sander Lestrade, Peter de Swart and Lotte Hogeweg, eds., Addenda: artikelen voor Ad Foolen, 373-387. Nijmegen: Radboud Universiteit.
type Festschrift article.
ID 2015b | 158 | DOI | April 11, 2015.
origin Invited contribution to a Festschrift for Ad Foolen, my first syntax teacher and an expert on connective particles like Dutch toch. This paper started when I noticed my teenage daughter using alsnog for toch. After this went to press, my student Jenne Klimp did a corpus study using Twitter data and found the innovative use of alsnog to outscore the traditional use by about 4 to 1 in the period 2012-2015.
keywords counterexpectational modality, grammaticalization, adversative
summary The article discusses a recent innovation in spoken Dutch, where alsnog is used for Standard Dutch (adversative) toch, defining the meaning of toch, nog, and alsnog, and reflecting on the grammaticalization process giving rise to the recent change.
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