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The formalism that we use for the OVIS2 Grammar is a variant of Definite Clause Grammar (DCG) [34]. We have chosen for DCG because:

The formalism for the grammar of OVIS2 imposes the following additional requirements:

An efficient head-corner parsing strategy for this formalism is discussed in van Noord [41]. The restriction that external Prolog calls must be resolved at compilation time implies that we do not use delayed evaluation. More in particular, lexical rules (deriving a lexical entry from a given `basic' lexical entry) must be applied at compile time and are not interpreted as (relational) constraints on under-specified lexical entries, as in van Noord and Bouma [43]. Although we have experimented with combinations of delayed evaluation and memoisation, as described in Johnson and Dörre [25], the resulting systems were not efficient enough to be applied in the kind of practical system considered here.

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