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A predicate-augmented finite state recognizer (pfsr) M is specified by $(Q,\Sigma,\Pi,E,S,F)$ where Q is a finite set of states, $\Sigma$ a set of symbols, $\Pi$ a set of predicates over $\Sigma$, E a finite set of transitions $Q \times
(\Pi \cup \{\epsilon\}) \times Q$. Furthermore, $S\subseteq Q$ is a set of start states and $F\subseteq Q$ is a set of final states.

The relation $\widehat{E} \subseteq Q \times \Sigma^*
\times Q$ is defined inductively:

  1. for all $q\in Q$, $(q,\epsilon,q)\in\widehat{E}$,
  2. for all $(p,\epsilon,q)\in E$, $(p,\epsilon,q)\in \widehat{E}$,
  3. for all $(q_0,\pi,q)\in E$ and for all $\sigma\in\Sigma$, if $\pi(\sigma)$ then $(q_0,\sigma,q)\in\widehat{E}$
  4. if (q0,x1,q1) and (q1,x2,q) are both in $\widehat{E}$ then $(q_0,x_1x_2,q)\in\widehat{E}$
The language L(M) accepted by M is defined to be $\{w\in\Sigma^*\vert q_s\in S,
q_f\in F, (q_s,w,q_f)\in\widehat{E}\}$.

A pfsr is called $\epsilon$-free if there are no $(p,\epsilon,q)\in E$. For any given pfsr there is an equivalent $\epsilon$-free pfsr. It is straightforward to extend the corresponding algorithm for classical automata. Without loss of generality we assume below that pfsr are $\epsilon$-free.

Noord G.J.M. van