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Reversible grammars

Constraint-based grammars have become increasingly popular within the field of natural language processing. One of the reasons for this success is that constraint-based grammars are completely declarative; that is, the grammar only states facts of the language it describes, without stating how such a grammar should be used for parsing or generation. Such declarative grammars, for this reason, provide for an abstract level of language description, and are easy to understand, and hence relatively easy to debug, extend, and re-use in other applications.

Because constraint-based grammars do not enforce a specific processing regime, it is possible to conceive of constraint-based grammars, which can be used both for parsing and generation. Such grammars may be called reversible [Kay1975]. Section 2.2 defines the notion reversibility somewhat more precisely, and discusses some of its properties. We will define a reversible grammar as a grammar for which parsing and generation are both guaranteed to terminate. The notion of a grammar that can be used both for parsing and generation is intuitively appealing; but we now provide explicit motivation for the use of reversible grammars (cf. [van Noord1993]).

Noord G.J.M. van