Generalized additive models for EEG data

Martijn Wieling
University of Groningen

This lecture

  • Introduction
    • ERPs to study grammatical gender violations
    • Research question
  • Design
  • Methods (R code) and results
  • Discussion

ERPs to study grammatical gender violations

  • A P600 (a positivity 'around' 600 ms. after stimulus onset) is sensitive to grammatical violations
  • An N400 (a negativity 'around' 400 ms. after stimulus onset) is modulated by semantic context and lexical properties of a word
    • The P600/N400 are found by comparing incorrect to correct sentences
  • Native speakers appear to show a P600 for grammatical gender violations
    • But analyzed by averaging over items and over subjects!

This study

  • In this study we are interested in how non-native speakers respond to grammatical gender violations (joint work with Nienke Meulman)
  • Grammatical gender is very hard to learn for L2 learners
  • Even though behaviorally L2 learners might show correct responses, the brain may reveal differences in processing grammatical gender

Research question

  • Is the P600 for grammatical gender violations dependent on age of arrival for the L2 learners of German?

ERP data

  • Today: analysis of single region of interest (ROI 8)


  • 67 L2 speakers of German (Slavic L1)
  • Auditory presentation of correct sentences or sentences with a grammatical gender violation (incorrect determiner; no determiners in L1)
  • 48 items in each condition: 96 trials per participant (minus artifacts)
  • Example:
    Nach der Schlägerei ist das/*der Auge des Angestellten von der Krankenschwester versorgt worden.
    [After the fight theneut/*themasc eye of the worker was treated by the nurse]

Data overview

dat = dat[order(dat$Subject, dat$TrialNr, dat$Time), ]  # sort data per trial
dat$start.event <- dat$Time == min(dat$Time)  # mark the start of every new trial 
#        uV Time Subject Word TrialNr  Type AoArr start.event
# 721  8.94  505   GL102 Wald       2 incor     8        TRUE
# 722 15.56  515   GL102 Wald       2 incor     8       FALSE
# 723 21.31  525   GL102 Wald       2 incor     8       FALSE
# 724 13.32  535   GL102 Wald       2 incor     8       FALSE
# 725 19.11  545   GL102 Wald       2 incor     8       FALSE
# 726 17.96  555   GL102 Wald       2 incor     8       FALSE
dim(dat)  # signal was downsampled to 100 Hz
# [1] 442160      8

Much individual variation

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-4

General patterns exist

(note the arbitrary age splits, however)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-5

Question 1

Investigating difference between correct and incorrect

(R version 4.2.2 Patched (2022-11-10 r83330), mgcv version 1.8.41, itsadug version 2.4.1)


# duration discrete=F: 3600 s.; 1/2/4/8/16 threads: 1000/560/300/200/250 s.
system.time(m0 <- bam(uV ~ s(Time, by = Type) + Type + s(Time, Subject, by = Type, 
    bs = "fs", m = 1) + s(Time, Word, by = Type, bs = "fs", m = 1), data = dat, 
    rho = rhoval, AR.start = dat$start.event, discrete = T, nthreads = 8))
#    user  system elapsed 
#    1088    2948     289
  • Time window was set to [500,1300] to limit CPU time
  • ACF of model without rho was used to determine rhoval: 0.91
  • Note that the difference between correct and incorrect will be overly conservative

Global difference between correct and incorrect

summary(m0)  # slides only show the relevant part of the summary
# Parametric coefficients:
#             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) 
# (Intercept)   -0.561      0.521   -1.08    0.282 
# Typeincor      0.803      0.670    1.20    0.231 
# Approximate significance of smooth terms:
#                             edf Ref.df    F  p-value    
# s(Time):Typecor            1.11   1.20 0.24    0.635    
# s(Time):Typeincor          3.32   4.32 6.77 1.65e-05 ***
# s(Time,Subject):Typecor   58.99 603.00 0.90   <2e-16 ***
# s(Time,Subject):Typeincor 53.97 602.00 0.48   <2e-16 ***
# s(Time,Word):Typecor      68.31 864.00 0.29   <2e-16 ***
# s(Time,Word):Typeincor    65.86 863.00 0.26   <2e-16 ***
# Deviance explained = 5.2%

Visualizing difference between correct and incorrect

plot_smooth(m0, view = "Time", rug = F, plot_all = "Type", main = "")
plot_diff(m0, view = "Time", comp = list(Type = c("incor", "cor")))  # overly conservative

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-10

Modeling the difference directly using a binary curve

dat$IsIncorrect <- (dat$Type == "incor") * 1  # create binary predictor: 0 = cor, 1 = incor
m0b <- bam(uV ~ s(Time) + s(Time, by = IsIncorrect) + s(Time, Subject, bs = "fs", 
    m = 1) + s(Time, Subject, by = IsIncorrect, bs = "fs", m = 1) + s(Time, Word, 
    bs = "fs", m = 1) + s(Time, Word, by = IsIncorrect, bs = "fs", m = 1), data = dat, 
    rho = rhoval, AR.start = dat$start.event, discrete = T, nthreads = 8)
  • s(Time, by=IsIncorrect) is equal to 0 whenever IsIncorrect equals 0
  • Correct case: s(Time) + 0 = s(Time)
  • Incorrect case: s(Time) + s(Time, by=IsIncorrect)
    • Difference between correct and incorrect: s(Time, by=IsIncorrect)
    • Binary curve difference is non-centered (i.e. includes intercept difference)
  • This approach is not overly conservative, as the dependency between the nonlinear patterns for the correct and incorrect case per subject (and word) in the random effects is explicitly included (Sóskuthy, 2021)

Results using a binary curve

summary(m0b, re.test = FALSE)  # summary without random effects (quicker to compute)
# Parametric coefficients:
#             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) 
# (Intercept)   -0.573      0.468   -1.22    0.221 
# Approximate significance of smooth terms:
#                      edf Ref.df   F p-value    
# s(Time)             1.64   2.05 0.6   0.535    
# s(Time):IsIncorrect 4.08   5.00 3.9   0.002 **
  • s(Time):IsIncorrect shows the significance of the combined intercept and non-linear difference between correct and incorrect

Modeling the difference using an ordered factor

dat$TypeO <- as.ordered(dat$Type)  # creating an ordered factor ...
contrasts(dat$TypeO) <- "contr.treatment"  # ... with contrast treatment: cor = 0, incor = 1
m0o <- bam(uV ~ s(Time) + s(Time, by = TypeO) + TypeO + s(Time, Subject, bs = "fs", 
    m = 1) + s(Time, Subject, by = TypeO, bs = "fs", m = 1) + s(Time, Word, bs = "fs", 
    m = 1) + s(Time, Word, by = TypeO, bs = "fs", m = 1), data = dat, rho = rhoval, 
    AR.start = dat$start.event, discrete = T, nthreads = 8)
  • s(Time, by=TypeO) is equal to 0 whenever TypeO equals cor (reference level)
  • Difference between correct and incorrect: s(Time, by=TypeO) + TypeO
    • s(Time, by=TypeO): centered non-linear difference
    • TypeO (must be included): intercept difference
  • The random-effects specification is effectively the same as that of the binary curve model, given that factor smooths involving ordered factors are not centered
  • This random reference/difference smooths approach (Sóskuthy, 2021) is appropriate and not overly conservative

Results using an ordered factor

summary(m0o, re.test = FALSE)
# Parametric coefficients:
#             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) 
# (Intercept)   -0.573      0.468   -1.22    0.221 
# TypeOincor     0.789      0.575    1.37    0.170 
# Approximate significance of smooth terms:
#                     edf Ref.df    F p-value    
# s(Time)            1.64   2.05 0.60   0.535    
# s(Time):TypeOincor 3.08   4.00 4.58   0.001 **
  • The \(p\)-value of the parametric coefficient TypeOincor represents the significance of the intercept difference between correct and incorrect
  • The \(p\)-value of the smooth term s(Time):TypeOincor represents the significance of the non-linear difference between correct and incorrect

Visualization of both difference curves

plot(m0b, select = 2, shade = T, rug = F, main = "Binary difference", ylim = c(-3, 3))
plot(m0o, select = 2, shade = T, rug = F, main = "Ordered factor difference", ylim = c(-3, 3))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-17

Question 2

Testing our research question: a non-linear interaction

(te is used to model a non-linear interaction with predictors on a different scale)

m1 <- bam(uV ~ te(Time, AoArr, by = Type) + Type + s(Time, Subject, bs = "fs", m = 1) + s(Time,
    Subject, by = TypeO, bs = "fs", m = 1) + s(Time, Word, bs = "fs", m = 1) + s(Time, Word, by = TypeO,
    bs = "fs", m = 1), data = dat, rho = rhoval, AR.start = dat$start.event, discrete = T, nthreads = 8)
summary(m1, re.test = FALSE)
# Parametric coefficients:
#             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) 
# (Intercept)   -0.457      0.472   -0.97    0.333 
# Typeincor      0.476      0.561    0.85    0.396 
# Approximate significance of smooth terms:
#                           edf Ref.df    F  p-value    
# te(Time,AoArr):Typecor   3.09   3.18 1.64    0.177    
# te(Time,AoArr):Typeincor 5.88   6.96 4.59 4.14e-05 ***
# Deviance explained = 5%

Visualization of the two-dimensional difference

Note the default maximum number of edf's per 2D tensor product: 24 (5\(^2\) - 1)

plot_diff2(m1, view = c("Time", "AoArr"), comp = list(Type = c("incor", "cor")))
fadeRug(dat$Time, dat$AoArr)  # hide points without data

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-20

Interpreting the two-dimensional difference

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-21

Interpreting two-dimensional interactions

Decomposition: the pure effect of age of arrival

m2 <- bam(uV ~ s(Time, by = Type) + s(AoArr, by = Type) + ti(Time, AoArr, by = Type) + Type +
    s(Time, Subject, bs = "fs", m = 1) + s(Time, Subject, by = TypeO, bs = "fs", m = 1) + s(Time,
    Word, bs = "fs", m = 1) + s(Time, Word, by = TypeO, bs = "fs", m = 1), data = dat, rho = rhoval,
    AR.start = dat$start.event, discrete = T, nthreads = 8)  # te(x,y) = s(x) + s(y) + ti(x,y)
summary(m2, re.test = FALSE)
# Parametric coefficients:
#             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) 
# (Intercept)   -0.450      0.472   -0.95    0.341 
# Typeincor      0.472      0.561    0.84    0.400 
# Approximate significance of smooth terms:
#                           edf Ref.df    F  p-value    
# s(Time):Typecor          1.02   1.04 0.04    0.878    
# s(Time):Typeincor        3.31   4.30 6.56 2.32e-05 ***
# s(AoArr):Typecor         1.01   1.01 2.37    0.124    
# s(AoArr):Typeincor       1.00   1.00 1.85    0.173    
# ti(Time,AoArr):Typecor   1.04   1.08 2.19    0.128    
# ti(Time,AoArr):Typeincor 2.10   2.96 0.39    0.718

A simpler model without the non-linear interaction

m3 <- bam(uV ~ s(Time, by = Type) + s(AoArr, by = Type) + Type + s(Time, Subject, bs = "fs",
    m = 1) + s(Time, Subject, by = TypeO, bs = "fs", m = 1) + s(Time, Word, bs = "fs", m = 1) +
    s(Time, Word, by = TypeO, bs = "fs", m = 1), data = dat, rho = rhoval, AR.start = dat$start.event,
    discrete = T, nthreads = 8)  # ti-terms dropped
summary(m3, re.test = FALSE)
# Parametric coefficients:
#             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) 
# (Intercept)   -0.448      0.472   -0.95    0.342 
# Typeincor      0.474      0.561    0.84    0.399 
# Approximate significance of smooth terms:
#                     edf Ref.df    F  p-value    
# s(Time):Typecor    1.01   1.03 0.35    0.554    
# s(Time):Typeincor  3.32   4.32 6.77 1.65e-05 ***
# s(AoArr):Typecor   1.06   1.07 2.28    0.134    
# s(AoArr):Typeincor 1.01   1.01 1.80    0.179
  • While both age of arrival smooths are non-significant, this does not mean that their difference (i.e. the P600) is also non-significant

Model comparison: workaround to use fREML

  • If we set select = T, all smooths are considered random effects, and model comparison can be done using models fit with fREML (default fitting method)
    • Advantage: discrete = T usable, and fREML fitting is much faster than ML
    • Disadvantage: it is an approximation, the results will be less precise
m2.alt <- bam(uV ~ s(Time, by = Type) + s(AoArr, by = Type) + ti(Time, AoArr, by = Type) + 
    Type + s(Time, Subject, bs = "fs", m = 1) + s(Time, Subject, by = TypeO, bs = "fs", 
    m = 1) + s(Time, Word, bs = "fs", m = 1) + s(Time, Word, by = TypeO, bs = "fs", 
    m = 1), data = dat, rho = rhoval, AR.start = dat$start.event, select = T, discrete = T, 
    nthreads = 8)

m3.alt <- bam(uV ~ s(Time, by = Type) + s(AoArr, by = Type) + Type + s(Time, Subject, 
    bs = "fs", m = 1) + s(Time, Subject, by = TypeO, bs = "fs", m = 1) + s(Time, 
    Word, bs = "fs", m = 1) + s(Time, Word, by = TypeO, bs = "fs", m = 1), data = dat, 
    rho = rhoval, AR.start = dat$start.event, select = T, discrete = T, nthreads = 8)

Model comparison: results

compareML(m2.alt, m3.alt)
# m2.alt: uV ~ s(Time, by = Type) + s(AoArr, by = Type) + ti(Time, AoArr, 
#     by = Type) + Type + s(Time, Subject, bs = "fs", m = 1) + 
#     s(Time, Subject, by = TypeO, bs = "fs", m = 1) + s(Time, 
#     Word, bs = "fs", m = 1) + s(Time, Word, by = TypeO, bs = "fs", 
#     m = 1)
# m3.alt: uV ~ s(Time, by = Type) + s(AoArr, by = Type) + Type + s(Time, 
#     Subject, bs = "fs", m = 1) + s(Time, Subject, by = TypeO, 
#     bs = "fs", m = 1) + s(Time, Word, bs = "fs", m = 1) + s(Time, 
#     Word, by = TypeO, bs = "fs", m = 1)
# Chi-square test of fREML scores
# -----
#    Model   Score Edf Difference    Df p.value Sig.
# 1 m3.alt 1492275  18                              
# 2 m2.alt 1492273  24      1.450 6.000   0.821     
# AIC difference: 4.89, model m3.alt has lower AIC.
  • No support to include ti-terms (simpler model m3.alt is better)

Question 3

Ordered factor model: significant differences

m4 <- bam(uV ~ s(Time) + s(Time, by = TypeO) + s(AoArr) + s(AoArr, by = TypeO) + TypeO + s(Time,
    Subject, bs = "fs", m = 1) + s(Time, Subject, by = TypeO, bs = "fs", m = 1) + s(Time, Word,
    bs = "fs", m = 1) + s(Time, Word, by = TypeO, bs = "fs", m = 1), data = dat, rho = rhoval,
    AR.start = dat$start.event, discrete = T, nthreads = 8)
summary(m4, re.test = FALSE)
# Parametric coefficients:
#             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) 
# (Intercept)   -0.411      0.475   -0.87    0.387 
# TypeOincor     0.435      0.564    0.77    0.441 
# Approximate significance of smooth terms:
#                      edf Ref.df    F p-value    
# s(Time)             1.64   2.05 0.60   0.535    
# s(Time):TypeOincor  3.08   4.00 4.58   0.001 ** 
# s(AoArr)            1.04   1.04 2.33   0.131    
# s(AoArr):TypeOincor 1.00   1.00 9.10   0.003 **

Difference curves

plot(m4, select = 2, shade = T, rug = F, ylim = c(-3, 3))
plot(m4, select = 4, shade = T, rug = F, ylim = c(-6, 6))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-29

Finally: model criticism

qqp(resid(m4))  # quantile-quantile plot function from library car

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-30

Problematic residuals!

  • This type of residual distribution is common for EEG data
  • These extreme deviations are problematic and may affect \(p\)-values
  • Distribution of residuals looks like scaled-\(t\) distribution
    • We can fit this type of model in bam: family="scat"

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-31

Fitting a scaled-\(t\) model: slow!

system.time(m4.scat <- bam(uV ~ s(Time) + s(Time, by = TypeO) + s(AoArr) + s(AoArr, by = TypeO) + 
    TypeO + s(Time, Subject, bs = "fs", m = 1) + s(Time, Subject, by = TypeO, bs = "fs", m = 1) + 
    s(Time, Word, bs = "fs", m = 1) + s(Time, Word, by = TypeO, bs = "fs", m = 1), data = dat, 
    family = "scat", rho = rhoval, AR.start = dat$start.event, discrete = T, nthreads = 32))
#    user  system elapsed 
#   55336    3512    1978
# For comparison, duration of the Gaussian model (8 CPU's is fastest)
system.time(m4 <- bam(uV ~ s(Time) + s(Time, by = TypeO) + s(AoArr) + s(AoArr, by = TypeO) + 
    TypeO + s(Time, Subject, bs = "fs", m = 1) + s(Time, Subject, by = TypeO, bs = "fs", m = 1) + 
    s(Time, Word, bs = "fs", m = 1) + s(Time, Word, by = TypeO, bs = "fs", m = 1), data = dat, 
    rho = rhoval, AR.start = dat$start.event, discrete = T, nthreads = 8))
#    user  system elapsed 
#    1347    2395     152

Using the scaled-\(t\) distribution: \(p\)-values change

summary(m4, re.test = FALSE)$s.table  # significance of smooths
#                      edf Ref.df     F p-value
# s(Time)             1.64   2.05 0.595 0.53482
# s(Time):TypeOincor  3.08   4.00 4.581 0.00107
# s(AoArr)            1.04   1.04 2.333 0.13057
# s(AoArr):TypeOincor 1.00   1.00 9.099 0.00253
summary(m4.scat, re.test = FALSE)$s.table  # significance of smooths
#                      edf Ref.df     F p-value
# s(Time)             2.35   3.03 1.259 0.28801
# s(Time):TypeOincor  3.12   4.04 4.364 0.00153
# s(AoArr)            1.10   1.11 0.502 0.54404
# s(AoArr):TypeOincor 1.01   1.02 8.432 0.00364

Using the scaled-\(t\) distribution: similar patterns

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-33

Model criticism: much improved!

par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
qqp(resid(m4), main = "m4")
qqp(resid(m4.scat), main = "m4.scat")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-34

Discussion and conclusion

  • GAMs are very useful to analyze EEG and other time-series data
    • GAMs can detect non-linear patterns, while taking into account individual variation and autocorrelation
    • Using the random reference/difference smooths approach results in appropriate (not overly conservative) difference smooths (Sóskuthy, 2021)
    • The by-approach (e.g., model m0) is better for modeling individual factor levels
    • Associated paper: Meulman et al. (2015) (paper package: data and code)
  • Still work to do:
    • Assessing by-word variability in the (linear) effect of age of arrival
    • Testing the significance of other possibly important variables (e.g., proficiency)
    • But stay close to your hypothesis: much unexplained variation in EEG data!


  • We have applied GAMs to EEG data and learned how to:
    • Model difference smooths directly using binary predictors and ordered factors
    • Use te(Time,AoArr) to model a non-linear interaction
    • Decompose te(Time,AoArr) using ti() and two s()'s
    • Use a scaled-\(t\) distribution to improve residuals
  • While we have analyzed a single region of interest, GAMs allow for spatial distribution analyses
    • E.g., via te(x, y, Time, d = c(2,1))
  • Associated lab session:



Thank you for your attention!