Some notes on the origin and distribution of the IPP-effect

description Jan-Wouter Zwart. 2007. Some notes on the origin and distribution of the IPP-effect. Groninger Arbeiten zur germanistischen Linguistik 45, 77-99.
type Working papers article.
ID 2007c | 119 | September 27, 2004.
origin Paper presented at a verb clusters workshop for Götz Kaufmann at the Meertens Institute, Amsterdam, on September 28, 2004; also presented at CGSW 20, Tilburg, on June 20, 2005.
keywords IPP; infinitives; verb clusters; German dialects
summary The article notes a number of exceptions (from German dialects) to the rule that a perfective verb does not take an infinitival right-complement unless it is itself turned into an infinitive (the IPP-effect) and concludes that the relevant infinitives are extraposed, so that the generalization can be upheld. Taking the generalization to be correct, the article proposes that the IPP-form is historically derived from ge-less participles, at a point when ge still marked completive aspect.
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Presentations: CGSW, 06/2005; Meertens, 09/2004
Publications: Verb clusters in CWG dialects, Verb clusters in Stellingwerfs
