Dutch between German and English (in honor of Josef Bayer)

description Jan-Wouter Zwart. 2015. In Ellen Brandner, Anna Czypionka, Constantin Freitag and Andreas Trotzke, eds., Charting the landscape of linguistics: on the scope of Josef Bayer’s work, pp. 141-145. Konstanz: Department of Linguistics.
type Festschrift article.
ID 2015d | 161 | DOI | October 5, 2015.
origin Invited contribution to a Webschrift for Josef Bayer.
keywords Continental West-Germanic language variation, headedness, opacity
summary This squib revisits the arguments from Bayer's 2000 article 'Basic order: a significant difference between English VO and German OV' (relating certain opacity phenomena to the VO vs. OV basic order distinction), and shows that Dutch, being OV like German, nevertheless sides with English on most points raised by Bayer.
related full text; Bayer article


