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11. hdrug_clig: Interface to CLiG

This module provides an interface to Karsten Konrad's CLiG system for visualization of feature-structures and trees.

11.1. Predicates

This section lists the predicates exported by the hdrug_clig library.

11.1.1. clig_fs(Fs)

displays a feature structure in CLiG. Assumes that hdrug(hdrug_feature) is loaded and that feature declarations have been compiled. Example:

X:cat => np, clig_fs(value(X)).

11.1.2. clig_fs_list(List)

displays each feature structure in List in CLiG. Assumes that hdrug(hdrug_feature) is loaded and that feature declarations have been compiled. Example:

X:cat => np, Y:cat => vp, clig_fs_list([X,Y]).

11.1.3. clig_tree(Format,Term)

displays a feature structure in CLiG. Format is a tree-format; Term is an arbitrary term. The hook-predicates graphic_path, graphic_label and graphic_daughter are used to obtain the tree structure for Term.

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