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Priority Union for lexical analysis

Another application of the priority union operator is in spell checking. As in [4] we consider a finite-automaton approach. Suppose we are given a dictionary in the form of a transducer. The transducer will map each word to its lexicographic description. A spell checker attempts to find, for a given word, the lexicographic description of the word which is closest to a word in the dictionary according to some distance function. As in many spell checkers we assume Levenshtein distance: the minumum number of substitutions, deletions and insertions that is required to map a string into another. In FSA all strings with a Levenshtein distance of 1 can be defined as follows; here X can be thought of as the dictionary, lev1(X) is the Levenshtein-1 closure of the dictionary:
\begin{minipage}[t]{.9\textwidth}\begin{verbatim}macro(lev1(X), { subs(X), del(X), ins(X) })\end{verbatim}\end{minipage}\end{displaymath} (20)

The operators subs/1, del/1 and ins/1 are built-in. The expression subs(X) stands for all pairs (x,y) such that (x',y) is in the relation defined by X and x' can be formed from x by a single substitution. The insertion and deletion operators are defined likewise.

In contrast to [4] we want to obtain the candidates with minimal distance. For instance, if we attempt to lookup book then we don't want to get the description of cook as a result. This can be defined using the priority union operator as follows:

\begin{displaymath}\begin{minipage}[t]{.9\textwidth}\begin{verbatim}macro(spell1(X), priority_union(X, lev1(X)))\end{verbatim}\end{minipage}\end{displaymath} (21)

For instance, applying spell1 to a dictionary consisting of the identity transducer over the words book, look, lock, oak would map each of these words to itself, and in addition it would map a form such as wook to the set book, look and a form such as ook to the set book, look, oak.

We can define expressions for any given radius $\alpha$. For example, the case which treats $\alpha=2$ is given by:

...ty_union(spell1(X), lev1(lev1(X))))\end{verbatim}\end{minipage}\end{displaymath} (22)

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