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Natural Language Understanding with Abstract Meaning Representation

Abstract meaning representation (Banarescu et al, 2013), or AMR for short, is a semantic representation that provides sentences with a deep semantic interpretation. AMR includes most of the shallow-semantic NLP tasks that are usually addressed separately, such as named entity recognition, semantic role labeling and coreference resolution. AMR is not an interlingua, it can be exploited for a number of NLP tasks such as machine translation, summarisation and paraphrasing. Text-to-AMR (parsing) and AMR-to-text (generation) is however far from providing and using sufficiently accurate graphs for downstream application. Moreover, not much work has been carried out on AMR for languages other than English. In this talk I’ll present my work on addressing these issues.

marco.txt · Last modified: 2019/02/06 16:03 (external edit)