LAMSAS in the Netherlands




This data is in the old LAMSAS-specific coding

Type of data Phonetic, only the main lexical variant
Phonetic, all lexical variants

Grouping None (1162 locations)
By county (483 locations)


All following settings are optional.
Numbers between brackets are numbers of informants.

Fieldworker Guy Lowman (826)
Raven McDavid (278)
Lee Pederson (19)
Student (19)
Grace Reuter (7)
Gerald Udell (5)
Barbara Rutledge (4)
Raymond O'Cain (3)
Bernard Bloch (1)

Worksheet South Atlantic (565)
Middle Atlantic (465)
Preliminary South Atlantic (70)
Combined (57)
New England (5)

Informant type Folk speakers (582)
Common speakers (439)
Cultivated speakers (138)

Race African-American (41)
Caucasian (1121)

Sex Female (360)
Male (802)

Locality type Urban (277)
Rural (884)

State New York (182)
Pennsylvania (158)
New Jersey (47)
Maryland (62)
Delaware (14)
Washington D.C. (2)
West Virginia (111)
Virginia (154)
North Carolina (157)
South Carolina (156)
Georgia (partial) (110)
Florida (partial) (9)