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Douglas E. Appelt. Bidirectional grammars and the design of natural language generation systems. In Theoretical Issues in Natural Language Processing 3, 1987.

Jonathan Calder, Mike Reape, and Henk Zeevat. An algorithm for generation in unification categorial grammar. In Fourth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 1989.

Marc Dymetman and Pierre Isabelle. Reversible logic grammars for machine translation. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Theoretical and Methodological issues in Machine Translation of Natural Languages, 1988.

Barbara Grosz, Karen Sparck Jones, and Bonny Lynn Webber, editors. Readings in Natural Language Processing. Morgan Kaufmann, 1986.

Andrew Haas. A generalization of the offline parsable grammars. In 27th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 1989.

Pierre Isabelle. Towards reversible MT systems. In MT Summit II, 1989.

Pierre Isabelle, Marc Dymetman, and Elliott Macklovitch. CRITTER: a translation system for agricultural market reports. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Budapest, 1988.

Paul S. Jacobs. Achieving bidirectionality. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, 1988.

Ronald Kaplan, Klaus Netter, Jürgen Wedekind, and Annie Zaenen. Translation by structural correspondences. In Fourth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 1989.

Margaret King, editor. Machine Translation, the State of the Art. Edinburgh University Press, 1987.

Jan Landsbergen. Isomorphic grammars and their use in the Rosetta translation system, 1984. paper presented at the tutorial on Machine Translation, Lugano 1984, Also appears in [10].

Fernando C.N. Pereira and David Warren. Definite clause grammars for language analysis - a survey of the formalism and a comparison with augmented transition networks. Artificial Intelligence, 13, 1980. reprinted in [4].

Fernando C.N. Pereira and David Warren. Parsing as deduction. In 21st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 1983.

Carl Pollard and Ivan Sag. Information Based Syntax and Semantics. Center for the Study of Language and Information Stanford, 1987.

Herbert Ruessink and Gertjan van Noord. Remarks on the bottom-up generation algorithm. Technical report, Department of Linguistics, OTS RUU Utrecht, 1989.

Stuart M. Shieber. A uniform architecture for parsing and generation. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, 1988.

Stuart M. Shieber, Hans Uszkoreit, Fernando C.N. Pereira, J. Robinson, and M. Tyson. The formalism and implementation of PATR-II. In B. J. Grosz and M. E. Stickel, editors, Research on Interactive Acquisition and Use of Knowledge. SRI report, 1983.

Stuart M. Shieber, Gertjan van Noord, Robert C. Moore, and Fernando C.N. Pereira. A semantic-head-driven generation algorithm for unification based formalisms. In 27th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 1989.

Stuart M. Shieber, Gertjan van Noord, Robert C. Moore, and Fernando C.N. Pereira. Semantic-head-driven generation. Computational Linguistics, 1990. To appear.

Tomek Strzalkowski. Automated inversion of a unification parser into a unification generator. Technical report, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, 1989. technical report 465.

Gertjan van Noord. BUG: A directed bottom-up generator for unification based formalisms. Working Papers in Natural Language Processing, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Stichting Taaltechnologie Utrecht, 4, 1989.

Gertjan van Noord. An overview of head-driven bottom-up generation. In Robert Dale, Chris Mellish, and Michael Zock, editors, Current Research in Natural Language Generation. 1990.

Gertjan van Noord, Joke Dorrepaal, Louis des Tombe, and Pim van der Eijk. The MiMo2 research system. OTS RUU Utrecht.

Jürgen Wedekind. Generation as structure driven derivation. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, 1988.

Rémi Zajac. A transfer model using a typed feature structure rewriting system with inheritence. In 27th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 1989.

Henk Zeevat, Ewan Klein, and Jo Calder. Unification categorial grammar. In Nicholas Haddock, Ewan Klein, and Glyn Morrill, editors, Categorial Grammar, Unification Grammar and Parsing. Centre for Cognitive Science, 1987. Volume 1 of Working Papers in Cognitive Science.

Gertjan van Noord
Fri Nov 25 13:42:02 MET 1994