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The experiment

This section describes experimental results for the parsing algorithms discussed above, in comparison with some obvious alternative strategies. The experiment consists of two parts.

The first part of the experiment compares parsing strategies which proceed in a bottom-up fashion without the use of any top-down prediction. For CUG such parsers are suitable as no top-down information can be compiled from the rule schemata in a simple way.2It turns out that the head-driven bottom-up chart parser performs better than both an inactive and an active bottom-up chart parser, for a particular CUG for English. If the cost of unification is relatively high, the use of the head-driven chart parser pays off. If unification is cheap, then the inactive chart parser may still be the most efficient choice.

The second part of the experiment concentrates on the comparison between the head-corner parser and the left-corner parser. Both of these parsers proceed in a bottom-up fashion, but use important top-down prediction. Such parsers are interesting for grammars in which interesting top-down information can be extracted from the rule schemata. It can be concluded from the experiment that for a specific lexicalist Definite Clause Grammar for Dutch the head-corner parser performs much better than the left-corner parser.

These results indicate that at least for some grammars it is fruitful to apply parsing strategies which are sensitive to the linguistic notion `head'.

A CUG for English.

The first grammar is a CUG for English which includes rules for leftward and rightward application and four construction specific rules to implement gap-threading. The grammar covers the basic sentence types (declaratives, WH and yes-no questions, and relative clauses) and a wide range of verbal and adjectival subcategorization types. PPs may modify nouns as well as VPs, leading to so-called PP-attachment ambiguities. The syntax of unbounded dependency constructions is treated rather extensively, including accounts of constraints on extraction, pied-piping, and the possibility of nested dependencies (as in which violin is this sonata easy to play on). The grammar is defined in terms of feature-structures, which may be combined using feature-unification. Furthermore, the treatment of nested dependencies uses lists of gaps. The interaction of these lists with certain lexical entries (such as easy) as well as the interaction of these lists with the checking of island-constraints requires that attempts at cyclic unifications must be detected and must fail. Therefore, the feature-unification procedure includes an occurs check.

If the standard techniques for compiling a left-corner resp. a head-corner table are applied for this grammar, then, at best, the `trivial' link would result, because the rule schemata do not specify any interesting information about morphological features etc.

A lexicalist DCG for Dutch.

This grammar is a definite clause grammar for Dutch, in which subcategorization requirements are implemented using subcat-lists. The grammar handles topicalization using gap-threading. Verb-second is accounted for by a feature-based simulation of head-movement. The grammar analyses cross-serial dependencies by concatenating subcategorization lists (implemented as difference lists). As opposed to the CUG grammar, the second grammar uses actual `empty elements' to introduce the traces corresponding to the topicalized phrases and verbs occurring in second position. Another difference with the first grammar is that first-order terms are used, rather than feature structures.

The compilation of the left-corner resp. the head-corner table was done using the same restrictor. The left-corner table contained 94 entries, and the head-corner table contained 25 entries.

The parsers.

Table 1: The parsers used in the experiment
  inact hdc act lc hc
well-formed substrings + + + + +
packing + + + + +
subsumption-checking + + + + +
active items - + + + -
left-to-right processing + + + + -
top-down filtering - - - + +
head-driven processing - + - - +

Table 2: Results for the English grammar
    items recognition parsing
n parses hdc inact act hdc inact act hdc inact act
    # % % sec % % sec % %
3 1 25 67 170 .8 63 191 1.1 67 168
6 1 43 73 180 .9 87 199 1.4 90 164
9 2 89 74 179 2.5 91 208 3.6 94 179
12 3 141 75 181 4.0 102 211 6.2 101 175
15 4 193 79 184 5.5 111 214 8.2 109 180
18 6 254 82 184 7.0 124 215 10.8 113 175
21 32 369 84 181 10.9 135 224 30.0 117 147
24 98 452 86 181 13.7 140 225 87.0 106 120
27 55 472 87 185 14.1 142 233 29.7 119 164
30 95 592 87 179 19.9 144 218 172.7 107 120

Table 3: Results for the Dutch grammar. For parsers which did not succeed within a given period, the entry in the table has not been filled in.
    recognition parsing
n parses hc hdc lc act inact hc hdc lc act inact
    sec % % % % sec % % % %
3 1 .3 2647 80 2804 390 .5 1699 79 1759 428
6 2 .8 5407 343 5968 1044 1.6 3698 215 4265 1300
9 6 1.2   550   1170 2.9   334   1474
12 5 2.0   428   2333 3.8   285    
15 9 3.1   355   2521 6.7   210    
18 16 5.1   248   2408 10.7   160    
21 20 7.4   195   1918 15.3   127    
24 23 10.2   147     19.8   104    
27 61 13.8   209     34.3   131    
30 87 17.3   145     62.4   102    

The parsers used in the experiment have a number of important properties in common (see table 1). First of all, they all use a chart to represent (partially or fully developed) analyses of substrings. Second, as categories are feature-structures or terms, rather than atomic symbols, special requirements are needed to ensure that the chart is always `minimal'. That is, items are only added to the chart if no subsuming item exists, and, if an item is added to the chart, all more specific items are deleted from the chart. Finally, information about the derivational history of phrases is added to the chart in such a way that parse-trees can be recovered. This is done by using `packed structures' (also called `parse-forests') to obtain structure sharing in the case of ambiguities; semantic constraints (if present) are only evaluated when the syntactic analysis phase is completed. Our implementation of `packing' follows that of [5], who implement it for a (unification-based) left-corner parser.

Three different bottom-up chart parsers are implemented. The first one (hdc) is the head-driven chart parser presented above, in which the head of the rule is given by the grammar writer. The active chart parser (act) is the same as the head-chart parser, but now it is assumed that for each rule the left-most daughter is the head (active chart). The inactive chart parser (inact) is a version of the head-corner parser where each right-most daughter is assumed to be the head of the rule. Since the parser does not use active items, some (slight) simplifications of the head-driven chart parser were possible.

The left-corner parser is a generalized version of the chart-based left-corner parser of [6]. As we also add items to construct parse-trees using `packing', the resulting parser should be comparable to the CLE parser [5]. The head-corner parser is the parser discussed in the previous section.3

Results for CUG.

One hundred arbitrarily chosen sentences (10 of length 3, 10 of length 6, etc.) were parsed, using the three pure bottom-up parsers (hdc, inact, and act). The columns in table 2 give, for each sentence length (column 1), the average number of readings (column 2), the average number of items produced by hdc, and the average percentage of items produced by inact and act, when compared with hdc (columns 3-6), the average time it took hdc to parse a sentence without recovering the different analyses and the average percentage of time needed for inact and act to do that (columns 7-9), and finally the average time it took to parse a sentence and recover all analysis trees for hdc and the average percentage of time needed by inact and act to do that.

The number of chart items illustrate clearly that hdc combines features of an inactive chart parser with that of an active chart-parser. Note that, in spite of the fact that English is mostly a head-initial language, act produces 80% more items than hdc, whereas inact almost produces 80% of the items produced by hdc. For languages which are predominantly head-final, the difference between act and hdc will probably be larger, whereas that between inact and hdc should be smaller.

The recognition times show that an active bottom-up chart parser is two-times slower for this grammar than a head-driven chart parser. The difference between the inactive chart parser and the head-driven parser is less extreme, and is notably in favor of the head-driven parser only for relatively long and complex (in terms of number of analyses) sentences. Nevertheless, the difference is of enough significance to establish the superiority of a head-driven strategy in this case.

The final three columns show that if recovery of parse trees is taken into account as well, the differences are much less extreme. The reason for this difference is simply that recovery (for which we used an Earley-style top-down algorithm which reconstructs explicit analysis trees on the basis of inactive items) may take up to eight times as long as doing parsing without recovery. Since the amount of time needed for recovery is (approximately) equal for all three parsers, this explains why the relative differences are much smaller in this case.

The head-corner parser was applied to the same grammar and sentence set as well. It behaves much worse (up to 100 times as slow for recognition of 24-words sentences) than the parsers listed in the tables due to the lack of guiding top-down information. The left-corner parser without top-down prediction reduces to the active chart parser.

We also applied the same sentence set to a compiled version of the same CUG. In this compiled version first-order terms were used, rather than feature structures. Furthermore, we used ordinary Prolog unification on such terms rather than the previously mentioned feature unification including occurs check. This implied that we had to forbid multiple extractions in the compiled version of the grammar. Experiments indicate that in such cases the inactive chart parser performs consistently better than both the head-driven chart parser and the active chart parser. This should not come as a surprise given the discussion in section 2.1 where we expected the head-driven chart parser to be useful for grammars with an `expensive' unification operation.

Results for the DCG.

The next table encodes the results for the Dutch grammar (cf. table 3). Again, one hundred sentences were chosen (ten of three words, ten of six words, etc).

The head-corner parser improved with a well-formed substring table and packing beats the bottom-up chart parsers. This is explained by the fact that these parsers proceed strictly bottom-up, whereas the left-corner and head-corner parser employ both top-down and bottom-up information. The top-down information is available through a left-corner resp. head-corner table, which turn out to be quite informative for this grammar.

Table 4: Comparison of the size of the parse forest for the left-corner and head-corner parser for a few (longer) sentences.
  hc lc
# parses items recognition recovery total items recognition recovery total
  # sec sec sec # sec sec sec
26 768 12 12 24 503 33 8 41
100 1420 20 37 57 831 43 29 72
30 543 9 10 19 430 20 8 28

The head-corner parser performs considerably better than the left-corner parser on average, especially if we only take the recognition phase into account. For longer sentences the differences are somewhat less extreme than for shorter sentences. This difference is due to the fact that the left-corner parser seems somewhat better suited for grossly ambiguous sentences. Furthermore, the number of items used for the representation of parse trees is not the same for the left-corner and head-corner parser. For ambiguous sentences the head-corner parser produces more useless items, in the sense that such items can never be used for the construction of an actual parse tree. As a consequence, it is more expensive to recover the parse trees based on this representation, than it is for the recovery of parse trees based on the smaller representation built by the left-corner parser. A few numbers for three typical (long) sentences are shown in table 4.

This is a somewhat puzzling result. Useless items are asserted only in case the parser is following a dead-end. However, the fact that the number of useless items is larger for the head-corner parser than for the left-corner parser implies that the head-corner parser follows more dead-ends, yet the head-corner parser is much faster during the recognition phase. A possible explanation for this puzzling fact may be the overhead involved in keeping track of the active items in the left-corner parser whereas no active items are asserted for the head-corner parser. Clearly for grammars with rules that contain many daughters (unlike the grammar under consideration) the use of active items may start to pay off.

Note that we also implemented a version of the head-corner parser that asserts less useless items by delaying the assertion of items until a complete head-corner has been found. However, given the fact that this technique leads to a more complex implementation of the memo-ization of the head-corner relation, it turned out that this immediately leads to longer recognition times, and an overall worse behavior.

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Noord G.J.M. van