... alphabet.1
If infinite alphabets are allowed, then certain non-regular languages such as $\{0,1,\dots\}^*$ can be recognized. A similar generalization of regular languages is used by [29].
... automata.2
Note that in such an implementation, the regular expression operator ? (any symbol) is not to be confused with the special symbol in automata ? (any symbol not occurring in the automaton).
... ?.3
Here we assume that we are not explicitly representing states which are not co-accessible, i.e. for which there is no path to a final state.
... transitions:4
An implementation might choose to ignore transitions for which the corresponding predicate is not satisfiable.
Note that without loss of generality we assume that there is no separate input and output alphabet, nor separate sets of predicates for input and output.
As is well-known, not all finite-state transductions can be encoded by a deterministic transducer. As an example, a transduction which maps every a to a b if the input is of even length, and which maps every a to itself otherwise is a finite-state transduction, but cannot be encoded deterministically.
We represent emissions associated with final states, as they surface in the determinization algorithm below, using an extra transition with $\epsilon$ as the domain part. We thus allow transitions $(p,\epsilon,\psi,q)$ only in case q is a final state and there are no transitions leaving q.
... deterministically:8
By `writing out deterministically' we mean writing out with a deterministic state transition. Such `deterministic' outputs may still in the end be rejected if for some input, the machine ends in a non-final state.
... symbol.9
Of related interest is the approach of [19]. He shows that ambiguous transductions can be computed efficiently by factorizing an ambiguous transducer T into a functional transducer T1 and an ambiguous transducer T2 such that T is equivalent to $T_1\circ
T_2$, and such that T2 contains no `failing paths'. In typical cases, T1 contains meta-symbols which are expanded in T2. This approach is more general in the sense that these meta-symbols range over sequences of symbols, rather than single symbols. It is more limited in the sense that identities cannot be expressed.
... Karttunen10
personal communication
... web-site.11