On the origin of the South-African surname Coetzee

description Jan-Wouter Zwart. 2018. On the origin of the South-African surname Coetzee. Untitled liber gratulatorius Carel Jansen.
Annemiek Nijp, Joëlle Ooms, Ruth Koops van ’t Jagt, John Hoeks, Aniek Straatman, Lennie Donné and Belinda Houwen, eds.,
University of Groningen, pp 60-61.
type Snippet
ID 2018a | 167 | December 5, 2017
origin Contribution to a farewell book for Carel Jansen, professor of Communication Studies at the University of Groningen with a part-time appointment at the University of Stellenbosch, South-Africa.
keywords etymology; onomasiology; South-Africa; Coetzee
summary The South-African surname Coetzee is often thought to be derived from Couché, suggesting a Huguenot origin of this common South-African name. The snippet questions this etymology and argues for the Dutch family name Koetsier as the origin.
related full text; presentation


