

3. Example: Pennsylvania, lexical distances

In this part of the tutorial, we continue with the data from Pennsylvania. You downloaded the required files in part 2. In the previous part of the tutorial, we determined dialect areas bases on pronunciation by comparing sequences of phonetic symbols. Now we determine dialect areas based on choice of words.

If you look at phonetic differences, you can make a very detailed comparison. There are numerous possibilities for variation in pronunciation of a single word. Words can differ only slightly, in a single sound, or differ very much. If you look at choice of words, there is much less variation. Sometimes, there are only two variant forms. In the eastern area one word is used to name a specific bird, in the western part another word is used. Because of this, determining dialect areas based on lexical comparison is less precise than based on phonetic comparison. But you do have more choice among methods to determine the lexical differences.

3.1 Three methods

We will measure lexical difference in Pennsylvania using three different methods.

1. Levenshtein distance
This is the same method as was used for determining phonetic differences. De differences between two character sequences is determined by the number of characters that differ between the two sequences. It seems a bit odd to use this method here, because you are not comparing individual sounds within words, but complete words. But you are not only dealing with choice of words ("tree" versus "bush"), but also with differences in derivation of words ("tree" versus "trees"). In the first case, the difference is larger than in the second case. (Length of words has little effect, because the leven program normalises for word length.)
2. Binary difference
This method only looks whether two words are identical or not.
3. Gewichteter Identitätswert (G.I.W.)
This method also looks only whether two words are identical or not, irrespective of how much two words differ. But this method also looks at how many times a particular word form occurs.

Suppose, you have a set of words A, which contains among other variants the variant forms A' and A''. The differences are determined as follows:

difference A' and A'00n' / n
difference A' and A''Levenshtein(A', A'')11

Which has:

Levenshtein(A', A'') :
the Levenshtein distance, the least-cost way to change one sequence of tokens into the other
n' :
the total count of variant A'
n :
the total number of words (not just variants) in group A

Note that you can't use the binary method or G.I.W. for determining phonetic distances. Both methods assume there is a sufficient number of identical forms in the data.

3.2 Lexical distances

We determine the lexical differences in three ways. To determine the binary differences, you can use the same program as for determining the Levenshtein distances, by using the command line option -B. To determine the Gewichteter Identitätswert, you use the giw program:

    leven -n 67 -l PA.lbl -o lex-lev.dif lex/*.lex
    leven -B -n 67 -l PA.lbl -o lex-bin.dif lex/*.lex
    giw -n 67 -l PA.lbl -o lex-giw.dif lex/*.lex

You now have three tables with lexical differences. Using these, you can make three cluster maps, like you did in part 2 with phonetic differences:

    cluster -wm -o lex-lev.clu lex-lev.dif
    cluster -wm -o lex-bin.clu lex-bin.dif
    cluster -wm -o lex-giw.clu lex-giw.dif
    mapclust -o PA.cfg lex-lev.clu 4
    mapclust -o PA.cfg lex-bin.clu 4
    mapclust -o PA.cfg lex-giw.clu 4

You will see that these three maps are not identical. So, which map is the most accurate? That question will be addressed in part 6 of the tutorial.

3.3 Multidimensional scaling

Multidimensional scaling (MDS) is a technique that, using a table of differences, tries to position a set of elements into some space, such that the relative distances in that space between all elements corresponds as close as possible to those in the table of differences. You can apply MDS on the plane (two dimensions), in three-dimensional space, or with another number of dimensions.

There is a nice trick you can do with MDS. First you apply MDS in three dimensions, so each place is assigned three coordinates. You can do this with the mds program. The program offers several methods. Kruskal's Method (option: -K) usually gives the best results. Then you use the three coordinates as colour components (red, green, and blue) to give each place a unique composite colour. This is done with the maprgb program. Below is an example based on the phonetic differences from part 2. Try making similar maps based on lexical differences.

    mds -K -o fon.vec 3 fon.dif
    maprgb -o PA.cfg fon.vec

This is the map you get:

MDS map of phonetic differences

This map shows things that were not visible in the cluster map. At the left, you see an area were the colours are very similar (the cyan area of the cluster map). This indicates that the differences within this area are relatively small. At the right, you can see an area with strong colour contrasts (the blue area of the cluster map). Within this area differences are bigger.

Like the cluster map, the MDS maps has disadvantages and limitations. These are discussed elsewhere.

If you want to import the output of the mds program into software not part of RuG/L04, then you can use the vec2tab program to translate the data into a format that is more current for most software.

3.4 MDS and clustering

In the remainder of this part of the tutorial, we use mdsplot, a program that is currently not available as a stand-alone C program, but only as a Perl script. This means you need Perl to run it. If you use Windows, you could download ActivePerl.

Download the script:


On Unix: if necessary, change the first line of the script, so it points to the right location of the Perl interpreter. Make the script executable.

On Windows: whenever below we use the command mdsplot, replace this with perl mdsplot (and make sure perl is in your PATH).

We continue with the phonetic differences from part 2 of the tutorial, and compare them to the lexical differences of this part.
3.4.1 Phonetic differences
We apply MDS in two dimensions, and plot the results in a diagram, using the colours that were assigned by clustering. For phonetic differences, the result looks like this:

Phonetic differences

You can make a diagram like the one above with mdsplot. This program reads options from a configuration file. The next file has all the options set to make the diagram above:


Download this file, and run the command:

    mdsplot mdsplot.cfg
The result is shown above.

What does the diagram show? The blue cluster consists of only six places, but they take up a large part of the space. This indicates that these six places differ strongly from the other places, and because these six places are spread widely apart, these places differ also largely among each other.

These type of diagrams are useful as a tool to test the quality of a clustering, and can be helpful for choosing the most suitable clustering method. This is discussed elsewhere.
3.4.2 Phonetic differences, a subset
Let's remove the blue cluster, and look a bit closer at the remaining clusters. We remove six places from the data, and apply MDS to the remaining places. This goes as follows. Copy the file mdsplot.cfg to mdsplot2.cfg, and open the copy with a text editor. You have to make a few changes. Change the name of the file where the result is stored:


Change how places will be displayed:

    markers: clnums

Save the file, and run the following command:

    mdsplot mdsplot2.cfg

Have a look at the result. You'll see that places are no longer presented with there own number, but with a cluster number. You can see the blue cluster has number 1. These means, you want to apply MDS to clusters 2, 3, and 4. Edit the copy again. Undo the changes to the way places are displayed:

    markers: numbers

And indicate which groups you want to use:

    plot: 2 3 4

Save the file, and run the following command again:

    mdsplot mdsplot2.cfg

The result is shown below:

Phonetic differences, three out of four clusters

You can see that the three remaining groups are reasonable well separated from each other, so they do indeed represent separate dialect areas.
3.4.3 Phonetic differences compared with lexical differences
Now we apply MDS to the lexical differences to see what happens to the clusters we found with phonetic differences. To make this visible, we give each place the same colour as with phonetic differences.

Copy the original configuration file mdsplot.cfg to mdsplot3.cfg, and open the copy with a text editor. Change the name of the file were results will be stored:


We use a table with lexical differences:

    diffile: lex-lev.dif

We change the clustering method. Instead of clustering from within the program, we read a clustering result from an external file:

    cluster: idx
    idxfile: fon.idx

Save the configuration file.

Make a group partitioning based on phonetic clustering, and save to file (see manual page of clgroup):

    clgroup -i -n 4 -o fon.idx fon.clu

And make a new diagram:

    mdsplot mdsplot3.cfg

The result is shown below:

MDS of lexical differences, cluster colours of phonetic differences.

What is most remarkable in this diagram is that red and cyan places are mixed. With phonetic measurements, we found a distinction between two dialect areas, that is not visible from measurements based on lexical differences.