

2. Example: Pennsylvania, phonetic distances

2.1 Pennsylvania

In this example, we use data from the state of Pennsylvania in the USA. This data is a small part of the Linguistic Atlas of the Middle and South Atlantic States (LAMSAS).

Below is a map of Pennsylvania, divided into 67 communities. Each community has a number. These numbers are the same as the numbers of the Informant ID Number (informid) used in the LAMSAS database, where they are prefixed with the letters PA.

Pennsylvania, USA

Pennsylvania, USA, divided into 67 communities.

 1  Philadelphia Co.     18  Northampton Co.      35  Mifflin Co.          52  Beaver Co.
 2  Bucks Co.            19  Monroe Co.           36  Union Co.            53  Lawrence Co.
 3  Montgomery Co.       20  Pike Co.             37  Snyder Co.           54  Butler Co.
 4  Delaware Co.         21  Wayne Co.            38  Juniata Co.          55  Mercer Co.
 5  Chester Co.          22  Lackawanna Co.       39  Perry Co.            56  Venango Co.
 6  Berks Co.            23  Susquehanna Co.      40  Cumberland Co.       57  Clarion Co.
 7  Lancaster Co.        24  Wyoming Co.          41  Adams Co.            58  Armstrong Co.
 8  York Co.             25  Sullivan Co.         42  Franklin Co.         59  Jefferson Co.
 9  Dauphin Co.          26  Bradford Co.         43  Fulton Co.           60  Indiana Co.
10  Lebanon Co.          27  Tioga Co.            44  Bedford Co.          61  Cambria Co.
11  Northumberland Co.   28  Lycoming Co.         45  Somerset Co.         62  Clearfield Co.
12  Montour Co.          29  Clinton Co.          46  Fayette Co.          63  Elk Co.
13  Columbia Co.         30  Potter Co.           47  Greene Co.           64  McKean Co.
14  Schuylkill Co.       31  Cameron Co.          48  Washington Co.       65  Warren Co.
15  Luzerne Co.          32  Centre Co.           49  Westmoreland Co.     66  Crawford Co.
16  Carbon Co.           33  Blair Co.            50  Allegheny Co.        67  Erie Co.
17  Lehigh Co.           34  Huntingdon Co.       51  Pittsburgh

Adams Co. (41)           Clinton Co. (29)         Lancaster Co. (7)        Pittsburgh (51)
Allegheny Co. (50)       Columbia Co. (13)        Lawrence Co. (53)        Potter Co. (30)
Armstrong Co. (58)       Crawford Co. (66)        Lebanon Co. (10)         Schuylkill Co. (14)
Beaver Co. (52)          Cumberland Co. (40)      Lehigh Co. (17)          Snyder Co. (37)
Bedford Co. (44)         Dauphin Co. (9)          Luzerne Co. (15)         Somerset Co. (45)
Berks Co. (6)            Delaware Co. (4)         Lycoming Co. (28)        Sullivan Co. (25)
Blair Co. (33)           Elk Co. (63)             McKean Co. (64)          Susquehanna Co. (23)
Bradford Co. (26)        Erie Co. (67)            Mercer Co. (55)          Tioga Co. (27)
Bucks Co. (2)            Fayette Co. (46)         Mifflin Co. (35)         Union Co. (36)
Butler Co. (54)          Franklin Co. (42)        Monroe Co. (19)          Venango Co. (56)
Cambria Co. (61)         Fulton Co. (43)          Montgomery Co. (3)       Warren Co. (65)
Cameron Co. (31)         Greene Co. (47)          Montour Co. (12)         Washington Co. (48)
Carbon Co. (16)          Huntingdon Co. (34)      Northampton Co. (18)     Wayne Co. (21)
Centre Co. (32)          Indiana Co. (60)         Northumberland Co. (11)  Westmoreland Co. (49)
Chester Co. (5)          Jefferson Co. (59)       Perry Co. (39)           Wyoming Co. (24)
Clarion Co. (57)         Juniata Co. (38)         Philadelphia Co. (1)     York Co. (8)
Clearfield Co. (62)      Lackawanna Co. (22)      Pike Co. (20)

2.2 Data

Download the data:
Unzip the data. You end up with the following directories:
The directory PA/ has the following files:

    PA.cfg   Configuration for drawing maps
    PA.clp   Include file for maps
    PA.coo   Coordinates (longitude/latitude) and names of communities
    PA.geo   The border of Pennsylvania
    PA.lbl   Numbers and names of communities   Include file for maps
    PA.trn   Include file for maps

The directory PA/fon/ has files with data on pronunciation. This set has only pronunciation variants. Lexical variants are removed from the data. Unlike all other files, these files are not in human readable form, because a font-specific coding is used. The contents of all these files, translated into human readable form is available as a single PDF file (with line numbers added):


The directory PA/lex/ has files with data on choice of words. These files will be used in part 3 of the tutorial.

2.3 Levenshtein difference

We start by making a table of differences between communities by measuring the phonetic differences. We do this by calculating the Levenshtein Distance between phonetic transcriptions. You can find a demonstration and explanation of the algorithm elsewhere. At this point, we use a simple measurement. A more accurate, but also more complex method is discussed in part 8 of the tutorial.

Measuring the differences is done with the leven program. All details on the use of this program is available in the leven manual page.

Change to the directory PA:

    cd PA
Calculate the differences with the following command:
    leven -n 67 -l PA.lbl -o fon.dif fon/*.fon

Some explanation on the options used:
-n 67
There are 67 locations (communities)
-l PA.lbl
Names and numbers of locations are stored in the file PA.lbl
-o fon.dif
Results of the calculations are stored in the file fon.dif
These are the files with phonetic data

If you want to import the table of differences into software not part of RuG/L04, then you can use the program dif2tab to translate the file into a data format that is more current for most software.

If you happen to have two places that have no word in common, this means, for all words there happens to be a variant for only one or the other of those two places, then there is no possibility to calculate the difference between those two places, and you end up with an incomplete table of differences. You can fix such an incomplete table with the diffix program.

2.4 Clustering

The next step is clustering on the difference table. We use the cluster program (see the cluster manual page for details). The program offers several clustering algorithms. For our purposes, Ward's Method is a good choice to begin with. You enable this algorithm with the -wm option. Input is the file fon.dif, and results are stored in the file fon.clu:
    cluster -wm -o fon.clu fon.dif
We can visualise the results in a dendrogram, by using the following command (see den manual page):
    den -o fon.clu
The resulting image is stored in the file

You can change the appearance of the dendrogram by using command line options:

    den -b .1 -C -e .3333 -n 4 -o -p fon.clu
The result is identical to the dendrogram displayed below, except for missing location numbers. Refer to the manual page for the meaning of the options. One option, -e .3333, is explained here. Clustering using Ward's Method has the effect that when the area doubles in size, the differences are not doubled, but multiplied by eight. (Other clustering algorithms don't have this property.) You can compensate for this effect by raising the differences to the power of 1/3 (since 8 raised by 1/3 gives 2), and as a result, the relative differences in the dendrogram will reflect the true differences. On the x-as below the dendrogram, you can see that the differences are adjusted.


Dendrogram of phonetic differences.

The dendrogram above shows a partitioning into four groups (the -n 4 option). This looks like a reasonable partitioning. The branches linking the four groups are relatively long, which indicates that the four groups are relatively distant from each other.

If you want a list of which locations are put into which group (given a fixed number of clusters), you can use the clgroup program.

With the clnewick program, you can export the clustering in the Newick format. This format is a standard for representing trees.

We now draw a map, using the mapclust program, and show the same four groups:
    mapclust -o PA.cfg fon.clu 4
The result is stored in the file, and looks like the map below:

4 clusters

Clustering into four groups, based on phonetic distances.

A neat result, isn't it? The blue cluster is an undivided area within the red cluster. The green and cyan clusters are each undivided areas. It looks like Pennsylvania clearly separates into four well-defined areas.

A neat result as shown in the map above can be misleading. And that's not the only inadequacy of cluster maps. These inadequacies are discussed elsewhere.

2.5 Make-up

Would you prefer a map in black and white (with a corresponding dendrogram), for example for a paper that doesn't allow the use of colours? That is possible.

Most options that determine the overall appearance of maps are stored in a configuration file. That is the file you pass as the first command line argument to the mapclust program, or to one of the other map drawing programs.

Copy the file PA.cfg to PA2.cfg, and open the copy with a text editor. All lines in the file starting with a hash (#) are comments, and ignored by the programs. All other lines are options. Locate the option markers, and remove the word number. Line numbers will no longer appear in the map. Create a new map with:

    mapclust -b -s -o PA2.cfg fon.clu 4
And make a matching dendrogram with:
    den -Q -b .1 -e .3333 -n 4 -o fon.clu
Refer to the manual pages for mapclust and den for the meaning of command line arguments, and the separate manual page for the use of options in the configuration file.

A legend of colours, symbols, or patterns, such as used in dendrograms and cluster maps, can be created with the legend program.