Data Clustering

Utilities for performing clustering on vector data or difference data, creating dendrograms.
This Web page offers several utilities for performing clustering on data sets. Input can be either a set of vectors or a table with difference values. Several programs piped together finally result in a PostScript image of a dendrogram, or an on-screen image (Unix/X11 or MS-DOS).

Sources only:

23 mei 2014
New option -O for den.
Sources and Windows binaries:
23 mei 2014
New option -O for den (source only).
25 april 2008
New program: clnewick
25 april 2008
Buglet fixed in den concerning the BoundingBox with option -n 0
25 june 2007
New option -s for cluster.
16 januari 2007
Added alternative names for cluster methods in the program cluster.
10 september 2005
The program cluster will abort if a file _CANCEL_.L04 exists in the current directory, or if it is created while cluster is running.
18 july 2005
New option -u for den.
All changes
The next figure is an example of a dendrogram.




All programs read input either from stdin or from a file, and write to stdout, except for denxview and denview. You can examine the data files used in the examples below to learn about their syntax.

A typical usage is:

    difftbl vector-file | cluster -w | den > PostScript-file

But you can substitute your own program in any part of this pipe.


This program reads a file with data vectors, and produces a difference table. The program has the following options:

Use city block distance.
Use Euclidean difference (default).
Use 1 - Pearson correlation coefficient.
Use square difference.
-o filename
Output file
Generate pair listing
    difftbl NLchars.vec > NLchars.dif


This program is an implementation of seven different clustering algorithms, which are described in:

Anil K. Jain and Richard C. Dubes.
Algorithms for Clustering Data.
Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1988.
The program reads a difference file, and creates a clustering.

The program will abort if a file _CANCEL_.L04 exists in the current directory, or if it is created while cluster is running. This is useful for stopping long running calculations from a GUI.

What clustering algorithm to use is defined by the following options:

Single Link (Nearest Neighbor)
Complete Link (Furthest Neighbor)
Group Average (UPGMA: Unweighted Pair Group Method using Arithmetic averages)
Weighted Average (WPGMA: Weighted Pair Group Method using Arithmetic averages)
Unweighted Centroid (Centroid, UPGMC: Unweighted Pair Group Method using Centroids)
Weighted Centroid (Median, WPGMC: Weighted Pair Group Method using Centroids)
Ward's Method (Minimum Variance)
Other options:
binary output. Instead of a clustering, the output is a difference file of times each pair of items was placed in different clusters. Only makes sense in combination with option -m.
cophenetic output. The output is a difference file with cophenetic values, instead of a clustering.
-m int
-m int-int
-m int-int+int
maximum number of clusters for binary or cophenetic output. This option can be used more than once. You can define ranges of numbers, for instance:
    -m 2-8
    -m 2-11+3
The first example selects all values from 2 to 8 inclusive, the second selects the values 2 5 8 11.
-N float
Noise. Before clustering, all values are increased by a random value between zero and sd times the specified value, where sd is the standard deviation of all the original values. This option can be used more than once.
-o filename
Output file
-r int
Number of runs. Only useful if -b (or -c) and -N are used as well.
-s int
Seed for random number generator.


    cluster -wm NLchars.dif > NLchars.clu

Please note the order of the data in the input file. Lines starting with a hash (#) are only comments. They do not define the order of the data.


This program transforms a clustering file into a PostScript image of a dendrogram. Labels in the input data may contain all characters from the ISO Latin 1 character set. The program has the following options:

Produce PostScript Level 2, that is, assume the ISOLatin1Encoding array has already been defined.
Curved links (default: rectangular).
-b float
Usually, 0 is used as the offset, or the minimum value in the clustering data if that value is negative. You can use this option to define the offset yourself.
Color links (with number of groups from 2 through 19). The colors corresponds to those used by the program mapclust, part of the RuG/L04 package.
Color labels (with number of groups from 2 through 19). The colors corresponds to those used by the program mapclust, part of the RuG/L04 package.
-e float
Exponent (default: 1.0). The cluster values are raised to this exponent. The values on the ruler are adjusted likewise. For example, to get the square root of the values, use: -e .5
Print an example cluster file.
-f int
Fontsize (default: 8).
use rainbow colours, light and dark, instead of standard colours (no limit to number of groups)
use rainbow colours, light, instead of standard colours (no limit to number of groups)
Cluster numbers (implies: -L).
No labels.
-n int
Number of groups (default: 1). The dendrogram will be split in a number of groups, with extra space between the groups. This option is required if you want colors or patterns.
-o filename
output file
reorder colours
Placement of labels in two columns, making room for twice the number of labels.
Patterns (implies: -2 -L, with number of groups from 2 through 19). The patterns corresponds to those used by the program mapclust, part of the RuG/L04 package.
Symbols (implies: -2, with number of groups from 2 through 19). The symbols corresponds to those used by the program mapclust, part of the RuG/L04 package.
-r float
Line skip for ruler (in points, 1 point = 1/72 inch).
No ruler.
-s float
Line skip within groups (in points, 1 point = 1/72 inch).
-S float
Line skip between groups, see option -n (in points, 1 point = 1/72 inch).
Triangular links (default: rectangular).
Font Times-Roman (default: Helvetica). Helvetica usually looks better in diagrams, Times-Roman in running text. The old version of den used Times-Roman.
-u filename
User-defined colours. Instead of using built-in colours, read colours from a file. Each line in the file should have three values, separated by white-space. These are the red, green, and blue components. The values should be in the range 0 to 1, or in the range 0 to 255.


    den NLchars.clu >
Below is an example created with the options -b.1 -c -e.5 -L -n4


This program (Unix only) reads a clustering file and displays a dendrogram in a window on the X11 display. To quit the program, type 'q' in the window. Options:

-b float
See: den.
-f fontname
A valid X11 font name. For really large dendrograms you could use a 5x8 font.


This program (MS-DOS only) reads a clustering file and displays a dendrogram on a VGA terminal. Option:

-b float
See: den.


This program prints a cluster grouping from a cluster file. Options:

-n int
Number of groups
Indexed output
-o filename
Output file
With indexed output, labels are "quoted" if there are spaces or tabs in the labels, or if the label starts with a quote.


    clgroup -n 3 NLchars.clu > NLchars.txt
    clgroup -n 3 -i NLchars.clu > NLchars-i.txt


This program translates a cluster file to the Newick tree format. Options:

-o filename
Output file
    clnewick NLchars.clu > NLchars-n.txt

Example clustering file

The next example is used to illustrate the syntax of a clustering definition. It describes the dendrogram in the figure at the top of this document.

    # Example cluster file

    1 .12
    L Norwegian
    L Swedish

    2 .15
    C 1
    L Danish

    3 .3
    L Dutch
    L German

    4 .35 Nordic group
    L Icelandic
    C 2

    5 .7
    C 4
    C 3

Empty lines are ignored. Anything starting with # is treated as a comment.

A clustering definition is a set of descriptions of clusters. Each cluster has an index number, a value, and two links to either other clusters or to labels. There can also be an optional textual comment.

Each cluster is defined in three lines.

  1. The first lines contains a number used for identification. Each cluster needs an unique integer index number.
    Following the index is a value that defines the difference between the two sub-clusters or labels.
    Any text following the difference value is treated as a description to be added to this particular cluster.
  2. The second lines describes what the first item of this cluster is. It can be either a sub-cluster or a label.
    A sub-cluster is indicated with a letter C followed by the index number of that sub-cluster.
    A label is indicated with a letter L followed be the text of the label itself.
  3. The third line describes the second item of this cluster. The syntax is identical to the second line.

Cluster definitions can be given in any order. Swapping the second and third line in a definition swaps the two branches of this cluster in the output figure.

Compare the items in the above example to the figure.
Cluster number 1 has two labels, Norwegian and Swedish. This cluster is indicated in the figure by the line connecting Norwegian to Swedish.
Cluster number 4 has one label, Icelandic and a sub-cluster with number 2. It connects the label Icelandic to the cluster containing Norwegian, Swedish and Danish. The description 'Nordic group' is placed at the right of the connecting line.
Cluster number 5 has two sub-clusters. It connects the cluster containing the Nordic group to the cluster containing Dutch and German.

How to use the PostScript figure

The PostScript figure produced by the program den can be used in various ways.

Ghostscript, ghostview, gv, LaTeX and dvips are available free for many computer platforms.