In Europe, our policies embody precisely the three principles of a durable peace: partnership, continued strength to defend our common interests when challenged, and willingness to negotiate differences with adversaries.

U.S. Foreign Policy for the 1970s,
Report to the Congress,
February 18, 1970

In last year's annual review I stated the following as the agenda for the future of our relations with Western Europe: the evolution of a mature partnership reflecting the vitality and independence of Wesern European nations; the expansion of our cooperation in facing the common social and human challenges of modern societies; consultation with our NATO allies on defense strategy and force levels and on the mutual interests affected by U.S.-Soviet talks on strategic arms limitation; an understanding with our allies on our common objectives and respective roles in seeking a peaceful and stable order in all of Europe.

This agenda is still with us, for its tasks are rooted in our fundamental purposes and are part of an historical process.

Clearly, if we are to found a structure of peace on the collaboration of many nations, our ties with Western Europe must be its cornerstone. This is not simply because wars on the continent have engulfed the rest of the world twice in this century. It is not simply because Europe's concentration of industrial might is crucial to the balance of power. Western Europe is central because its nations are rich in tradition and experience, strong economically, and vigorous in diplomacy and culture; they are in a position to take a major part in building a world of peace.