... head.1
Later we will also allow the use of rules with an empty right-hand-side. These will simply be represented by the predicate gap/1.
... negation.2
This approach also solves another potential problem: the linking table may give rise to (undesired) cyclic terms due to the absence of the occur check. The double negation takes care of this potential problem too.
... avoided.3
For example, in the Alvey NL Tools grammar in only 3 (out of more than 700) rules the head of the rule could be gapped. These rules are of the form x $ \rightarrow$ not x. Arguably, in such rules the second daughter should not be gapped. In the MiMo2 grammar of English, no heads can be gapped. Finally, in the Dutch OVIS grammar (in which verb-second is implemented by gap-threading) no hidden head-recursion occurs, as long as the head-corner table includes information about the feature vslash, which encodes whether or not a v-gap is expected.
... anymore.4
Note that such items are not removed, because in that case the item reference becomes available for later items, which is unsound.
... input.5
The tree substitution grammar is lexicalized in the sense that each of the trees has an associated anchor, which is a pointer to either a lexical entry or a gap.
... table.6
A complication is needed for those cases where items are removed later because a more general item has been found.
... machine.7
Experiments suggest that the load on the machine in fact does influence the timings somewhat. However, the experiments were performed at times when the load of the machine was low. It is believed, therefore, that no such artifacts are present in the numbers below.
... Kbytes).8
These sizes are obtained using the SICStus prolog built-in predicate statistics(program_space,X). This only measures the size of the internal database, but not the size of the stacks. The size of stacks has never been a problem for any of the parsers; the size of the internal database has occasionally led to problems for the bottom-up chart parsers.
... performed.9
The SPECINT92 figures for the Ultra 1/140 and HP 735/125 confirm this: 215 and 136 respectively.
... 1/140.10
Note that Carroll reports on recognition times only, whereas our results include the construction of all individual parse trees. For this experiment the left-corner parser used about 163 seconds on recognition. However, in the recognition phase the parser ignores a number of syntactic features and therefore this number cannot be compared fairly with Carroll's number either.
Noord G.J.M. van