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Parsing Word-graphs with Probabilities

The head-corner parser is one of the parsers developed within the NWO Priority Programme on Language and Speech Technology. In this program a spoken dialog system is developed for public transportation information [4].

In this system the input for the parser is not a simple list of words, as we have assumed up to now, but rather a word-graph: a directed, acyclic graph where the states are points in time, and the edges are labelled with word hypotheses and their corresponding acoustic score. Thus, such word-graphs are acyclic weighted finite-state automata.

In [9] a framework for processing ill-formed input is described in which certain common errors are modelled as (weighted) finite-state transducers. The composition of an input sentence with these transducers produces a (weighted) finite state automaton which is then input for the parser. In such an approach the need to generalize from input strings to input finite-state automata is also clear.

The generalization from strings to weighted acyclic finite-state automata introduces essentially two complications. Firstly, we cannot use string indices anymore. Secondly we need to keep track of the acoustic scores of the words used in a certain derivation.

From string positions to state names

Parsing on the basis of a finite-state automaton can be seen as the computation of the intersection of that automaton with the grammar. If the definite-clause grammar is off-line parsable, and if the finite-state automaton is acyclic, then this computation can be guaranteed to terminate [28]. This is obvious because an acyclic finite-state automaton defines a finite number of strings. More importantly, existing techniques for parsing based on strings can be generalized easily by using the names of states in the automaton instead of the usual string indices.

In the head-corner parser, this leads to an alternative to the predicate smaller_equal/2. Rather than a simple integer comparison, we now need to check that a derivation from P0 to P can be extended to a derivation from E0 to E by checking that there are paths in the word-graph from E0 to P0 and from P to E.

The predicate connection/2 is true if there is a path in the word-graph from the first argument to the second argument. It is assumed that state names are integers; to rule out cyclic word-graphs we also require that for all transitions from P0 to P it is the case that P0 < P. Transitions in the word-graph are represented by clauses of the form wordgraph:trans(P0,Sym,P,Score) which indicate that there is a transition from state P0 to P with symbol Sym and acoustic score Score. The connection predicate can be specified simply as the reflexive and transitive closure of the transition relation between states:

connection(A0,A) :-

The implementation allows for the possibility that state names are not instantiated (as required by the treatment of gaps). Moreover it uses memoization, and it ensures that the predicate succeeds at most once:

( var(A) -> true
; var(B) -> t...
; assertz(fail_conn(A,B)),

A somewhat different approach that may turn out to be more efficient is to use the ordinary comparison operator that we used in the original definition of the head-corner parser. The possible extra cost of allowing impossible partial analyses is worthwhile if the more precise check would be more expensive. If for typical input word-graphs the number of transitions per state is high (such that almost all pairs of states are connected), then this may be an option.

Accounting for Word-graph Scores

In order to account for the acoustic score of a derivation (defined as the sum of the acoustic scores associated with all transitions from the word-graph involved in the derivation) we assume that the predicate lexical_analysis represents the acoustic score of the piece of the word-graph that it covers by an extra argument. During the first phase acoustic scores are ignored. During the second phase (when a particular derivation is constructed) the acoustic scores are combined.

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Noord G.J.M. van