Presentations by Jan-Wouter Zwart

Abstracts, thematic (very incomplete)


with Marjolein Wietske Talsma
Transitivity in minimalism
January 24, 2024: Scientific symposium on linguistic properties in cognitive neuroscience, University of Groningen

with Marjolein Wietske Talsma
Rethinking her-: Dutch verbal prefixation and rule ordering
June 15, 2023: TABU-dag (poster), University of Groningen
October 6, 2023: Morphology in the Low Countries, WWU Münster
handout paper

Theoretical linguistics today
April 22, 2023: 17th T.W.I.S.T. Conference, Leiden University

Agreement and theta theory: a minimalist approach
January 25, 2023: Workshop Phi and Agree, Leiden University

Revisiting case and theta theory
October 26, 2019: Workshop in honor of Tim Stowell, University of Greenwich

Theoretical linguistics and the future of the humanities
August 30, 2019: Opening academic year Graduate School for the Humanities, University of Groningen

Some thoughts on agreement in Amazonian
September 20, 2018: Workshop Case and agreement in Panará (and beyond), University of Groningen

Deriving order and structure
June 17, 2018: Groningen Syntax Workshop, University of Groningen

Tense in infinitives: a non-cartographic approach
May 17, 2018: Comparative Syntax Meetings, LUCL, Leiden University

De etymologie van de Zuid-Afrikaanse familienaam Coetzee
April 25, 2018: Orchideeën, University of Groningen

Linguistics and reality
March 8, 2018: CLCG Linguistics Lunch, University of Groningen

On verb clusters without a handout
February 8, 2018: Not another workshop on Verb Raising, Leiden University

Postsyntactic morphology and the syntax of verb clusters
October 5, 2017: Workshop on tenselessness, University of Greenwich

Eliminating external merge
February 15, 2017: Incontro di Grammatica Generativa 43, IUSS Pavia
Workshop Order and direction of grammatical operations
handout paper

Parasitic participles in VP-focus pseudoclefts
December 3, 2016: 31st Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop, University of Stellenbosch

Periphrastic morphology, verb clusters, and verb movement
May 27, 2016: CRISSP/KU Leuven, Brussels

Derivational architecture and the syntax of verb clusters
May 4, 2016: Syntax Lab, University of Cambridge

On successive cyclicity in Dinka
February 6, 2016: TIN-dag, Utrecht

Periphastic tense and the nature of verb movement
November 30, 2015: Syntax-Interface Lectures, Utrecht University

De Nederlandse taal: ontstaan en toekomst
November 21, 2015: Nederlands Genootschap van Tolken en Vertalers, Utrecht

Eliminating external merge
September 26, 2015: SinFonIJA 8 Ljubljana

Restructuring restructuring: explaining long passive phenomena in Dutch
May 29, 2015: Workshop on verb clusters, Amsterdam

Eliminating external merge
May 5, 2015: University of Cambridge SynLab

Revisiting complementizer agreement
March 31, 2015: MIT

March 23, 2015: Department of Linguistics, University of Michigan

Precede-and-command revisited revisited
February 7, 2015: TIN-dag Utrecht

with Charlotte Lindenbergh
Rethinking alignment typology
February 7, 2015: TIN-dag Utrecht

Dialect en standaardtaal in het Nederlandse taalgebied
January 16, 2015: Kennisnet voor Taal- en Vakopleidingen, Amersfoort

Wet en gewoonte in de taal
October 28, 2014: University of Groningen inaugural address
full text

with Andreas Trotzke
A constructionist approach to idiom formation and interpretation in current minimalism
October 2, 2014: DGKL 6, University of Erlangen

Describing ergativity
May 20, 2014: University of Konstanz

Ellipsis in layered derivations
December 12, 2013: U4 Workshop New Approaches to the Syntax/Semantics Interface, Göttingen

Language innateness: debate with Dan Everett
September 12, 2013: Multilingualism: the key debates, Leeuwarden
video presentation

with Charlotte Lindenbergh
The presentation of linguistic examples in the 1950s
June 13, 2013: TABU-dag, Groningen

Some remarks on the interpretation of idiomatic expressions
March 22, 2013: Workshop morphosyntactic dependency, Groningen

The Faculty of Language: a debate
Forum discussion with Arie Verhagen
December 15, 2012: CogLingdays5, Groningen

Locality principles in syntax
December 3, 2012: Locality and the left periphery, Groningen
no handout

Agreement without Agree
October 17, 2012: Generative Initiatives in Syntactic Theory 6 workshop on complementizer agreement, Ghent
handout paper

Consequences of derivation layering
June 25, 2012: Syntax-Interface Meetings, Utrecht Institute of Linguistics OTS, Utrecht University
no handout

Top-down derivation, recursion, and the model of grammar
March 6, 2012: Complex sentences, types of embedding, and recursivity, Konstanz
handout paper

Tough-constructions in minimalism
February 4, 2012: TIN-dag, Utrecht
handout paper

Appositions and layered derivations
January 20, 2012: (Ap)positive thinking in linguistics, Groningen

Re: Woordvolgorde Omgekeerd
November 25, 2011: 5e Dag van de Nederlandse Zinsbouw, Amsterdam

Return to Vehicle Change
November 15, 2011: Quirky Ellipsis Workshop, Groningen

On control
February 11, 2011: Wh-inter symposium, Groningen

Recursion as derivation layering
January 5, 2011: ConSOLE 19, Groningen
handout paper

Verb movement in layered derivations
December 12, 2010: Verb movement, its nature, triggers and effects, Amsterdam

Finiteness in live soccer commentary
June 21, 2010: Jan Koster Farewell Symposium Groningen

Head-finality in a head-initial language: linearization as a sign of derivation layering
February 26, 2010: Annual meeting of the German Linguistic Society, Theme-group 9: Linearization, Berlin

Recursion in language: a new approach
February 6, 2010: TIN-dag Utrecht

A derivational account of locality effects in gapping
August 27, 2009: MASL Budapest

Embedded verb-second revisited: a layered derivations account
June 12, 2009: TABU-dag, Groningen
April 6, 2010: Workshop on Information Structure and Germanic Syntax, Groningen
presentation handout

The FOFC asymmetry: a layered derivation perspective
June 1, 2009: Theoretical Approaches to Disharmonic Word Order, Newcastle

Grammatica op school
May 8, 2009: Mini-symposium 'Wat moeten wij met de grammatica?', Nijmegen
presentation paper

Minimalist construction grammar
February 7, 2009: TIN-dag, Utrecht

Derivations, constructions, and the word order of Dutch
December 3, 2008: Wednesday Syntax Seminar, Leiden

with Linda Zwezerijnen
Comparative topology: the fields analysis of sentence structure in the Danish and Dutch linguistic traditions
June 6, 2008: TABU-dag, Groningen

Prospects for top-down derivation
June 5, 2008: Merge: the derivation of structure and order, Groningen
handout paper

Nog/al and the nature of the Dutch perfect
May 20, 2008: Spring Syntax Symposium, Groningen

The construction of layered derivations
March 1, 2008: Exploring Crash-Proof Grammars, Carson-Newman College, Jefferson City TN

Layered derivations: a minimalist perspective on constructions
February 26, 2008: Princeton University, Princeton NJ.

with Jordi Fortuny
Deriving the LCA
February 2, 2008: TIN-dag, Utrecht.

Covering diversity: some notes on sampling technique
February 2, 2008: TIN-dag, Utrecht.
slide show handout

December 10, 2007: Nijmegen Lectures 2007 (Adele Goldberg), Nijmegen.

Gapping without gaps
November 14, 2007: Midweek Utrecht Syntax Talks, Utrecht.

Verb second als speelbal van de grammaticatheorie
October 26, 2007: 1e Dag van de Nederlandse Zinsbouw, Leiden.
handout paper [both in Dutch]

Syntactic derivation and sentence amalgamation
October 19, 2007: Workshop on Parenthesis and sentence amalgamation, Groningen.

Aspects of agrammatic speech: a theoretical view
October 12, 2007: Workshop Thinking about aphasia between theory and data: an interdisciplinary approach, Groningen.

with Eleonora Rossi
Impaired dependency marking in Italian agrammatism: the DPI-effect
June 8, 2007: TABU-dag, Groningen.

Dutch past tense infinitives and the nature of finiteness
June 8, 2007: CGSW 22 Stuttgart.

Generalized integrity
May 7, 2007: Harvard workshop on movement and its relation to the interfaces, Cambridge (US).

A noncartographic view of (second) position phenomena
April 19, 2007: V1/V2 workshop Leiden.

Layered derivations
March 9, 2007: ACTL London.

On the tense of infinitives
February 3, 2007: TIN-dag, Utrecht.
handout paper

On finiteness
January 26, 2007: Department of Linguistics, University of York.
(no handout)

Simplest Merge
January 16, 2007: Seminari del Centre de Lingüística, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

Tense and agreement without functional heads
January 15, 2007: Seminari de lingüística a la Universitat de Barcelona.

Foundations of Dependency in Universal Grammar
October 20, 2006: Taalkundig Colloquium, University of Groningen.

De status van het prenominale adjectief
September 22, 2006: Workshop Woordvolgorde in de NP, CLCG, Groningen

Typology and minimalism
April 26, 2006: Syntax circle, Meertens Institute, Amsterdam

Structural case and dependency marking: a neo-Jakobsonian view
April 7, 2006: CLS 42, Chicago
handout paper

Uncharted territory? Towards a non-cartographic account of Germanic syntax
April 2, 2006: CGSW 21, UC Santa Cruz
handout paper

Baker's Generalization in a derivational theory of binding
March 8, 2006: LUCL Wednesday Syntax Meeting, Leiden
handout paper

On the 'graft' analysis of interpolations
February 4, 2006: TIN-dag, Utrecht
handout paper (Dutch)

A minimalist perspective on typology
February 2, 2006: CASTL Colloquium, Tromsø

A typological perspective on minimalism
February 1, 2006: Nano-syntax seminar, Tromsø

The morphosyntax of verb movement revisited
January 30, 2006: Workshop on inversion and verb movement, Tromsø

The coordinate structure constraint: a minimalist perspective
November 4, 2005: Workshop on verb clusters and coordination, Leiden

Minimalist dependency theory: agreement, binding, case
November 2, 2005: Syntax in the autumn mist, Tilburg

No On binding
October 8, 2005: Workshop on Binding Theory and Reflexivity, Stuttgart
handout paper

A neo-Jakobsonian approach to case marking
September 14, 2005: PIONIER Workshop on Case and Agreement, Nijmegen

On headedness and coordination: noun phrase conjunction in head-final languages
September 2, 2005: LAGB Annual Meeting, Cambridge

Untangling IPP word order restrictions
June 10, 2005: 20th Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop, Tilburg

Reflexivity and middle constructions in Dutch and English
June 5, 2005: Teun Hoekstra Colloquium, Leiden

Agreement and dependency marking typology
April 15, 2005: Agreement workshop, Leiden

Some notes on coordination in head-final languages
January 29, 2005: TIN-dag, Utrecht
handout paper

Unary merge
October 28, 2004: Staff Seminar, Tilburg University

Some notes on the origin and distribution of the IPP-effect
September 28, 2004: Verb Clusters Workshop, Meertens Instituut, Amsterdam

Asymmetric merge
July 6, 2004: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

The format of dependency relations
Bloomington 2004 Syntax Fest lectures, Indiana University
handout 1 (June 22) handout 2 (June 24) handout 3 (June 28) handout 4a (June 30) handout 4b (June 30) handout 5 (July 1)

On verb second as edge alignment
June 6, 2004: CGSW 19, CUNY
handout paper

Case and agreement as dependent marking
April 14, 2004: PIONIER Colloquium, Nijmegen

Rethinking head vs. dependent marking grammar
February 7, 2004: TIN-dag, Utrecht

On the format of dependency relations
November 10, 2003: Harvard University

Verb second, mood, and interclausal cohesion
November 7, 2003: NELS 34 (poster), Stony Brook
abstract handout

Something else and the effect of sloppy identity
October 17, 2003: Syntax and semantics workshop, Groningen

Agreement as sisterhood
September 19, 2003: CGSW 18, Durham
abstract paper

A comparative perspective on syntactic change in the history of English
August 29, 2003: Comparative Diachronic Syntax Conference, Leiden
abstract handout

On so-called V2-relatives in Dutch
June 20, 2003: TABU-dag, Groningen
paper (in Dutch)

A derivational theory of focus
February 1, 2003: TIN-dag, Utrecht

What happened in the history of English
December 16, 2002: University of Geneva

Local agreement
October 23, 2002: Trans Seminar in Syntax and Semantics, Utrecht

Right dislocation vs. extraposition in Dutch
August 10, 2002: CGSW 17, Reykjavík
abstract paper
